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Status Replies posted by kc

  1. many thanks

    have down loded but although i calc a 8.5x increse in size using corel (rewsize) cannot get the rariois correct

    have a full copy of a cheif with 10.5" wings plus plug,after this all goes haywaire

    if anybody fancies a cut down version i can supply

    do have in my folder a full size plan of a tiger moth  46.75" showing .20-4 stroke engine  designed by the famous dave boddington

    regards to all

    1. kc



      for some reason your messages are coming to me as a 'status update'    I don't know what status update is........if you want to send a private message click on members name and then 'Message'  and the message can be sent and replied that way.  

      Your message today should be posted onto the forum so that any member can reply.   

      Basically lots of dihedral is normally used (as designed ) for models without ailerons  and is usually decreased to very little if the model is fitted with ailerons.   Winglets don't seem used much on R/C models - I think it's to do with Reynolds Numbers and on full size it's for fuel economy I think - not much use to us!    Other forum members may know more about this than I do.

       I am in Essex so I cannot introduce you to a club that will help, but look on the BMFA Club Finder section and all the clubs are listed by area.  Maybe a member in your area will help you if you mention Worcester on the forum.



    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. many thanks

    have down loded but although i calc a 8.5x increse in size using corel (rewsize) cannot get the rariois correct

    have a full copy of a cheif with 10.5" wings plus plug,after this all goes haywaire

    if anybody fancies a cut down version i can supply

    do have in my folder a full size plan of a tiger moth  46.75" showing .20-4 stroke engine  designed by the famous dave boddington

    regards to all

    1. kc


      If you open the Outerzone files in Adobe Acrobat ( free but depends on version ) and then select Print  and 100 percent and Tile Print   you should be able to print on an A4 printer and sellotape them together.

      Or you could print at any percentage you want.


      Otherwise take on a Memory Stick to a Print Shop and ask to print at 100 percent.   Or search for AeroFred who have most designs and supply printed copies - not sure where AeroFred are based so check postage cost too.

      You could start a new thread on the forum headed Keil Kraft Chief  and this might bring your request for a plan to the attention of those who have built the Chief and have a plan available. 

      Note when searching that spelling of 'chief' needs to be correct to search for the design.


      Keith ( kc)


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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