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Everything posted by jeff2wings

  1. Simon Not quite , the 5 gallon oil tank is indeed behind the engine firewall but the 5 gallon gravity tank is behind the pilot with the 20 gallon main tank so we where both half right Steve How can the plane be nose heavy with 25 gallons of fuel behind the pilot (and c of g ) and tail heavy when landing ??!!
  2. Just to clear up the camel spinning on takeoff this was more as a result of a rearward Cof G due to the fuel and oil tanks being situated behind the pilot requiring a good amount of forward pressure to be applied to the stick , some pilots used a length of bungee cord to assist with this . The camels climb out speed was around 65-68 kt so a sudden loss of power would result in a rapid loss of airspeed and a stall/spin
  3. The tail chopping was the result of some “expert” flying , if you know what I mean I will not be ready to maiden Legonaire No 3 just yet Steve !!
  4. And here’s the second one I did in 2009/10 , from this.............. to this...........
  5. Hummm , funny you should mention that ,but to be fair , this one was made from a “Mk 2 “ kit and the wood was very soft throughout the model , my first Legionnaire was made in 1994 and I have never broken the spars even when it nosed in from 50 ft after its tail was removed by a H9 Fokker D7 in mock combat , I will make some mods though
  6. The rudder is now finished apart from final sanding down , the fin will be cut from solid sheet as it’s fairly small and will give that large rudder something to hang onto , the tail plane is complete and elevators started , wings soon !
  7. Having decided on the N 27 I need to make the distinctive tail and rudder , to do this I’ve used the laminated outline as it’s the strongest and lightest method of making curved shapes .First , make a former from card, wood ,pins or as I did mdf, then soak the wood in water then wrap round the former, hold in place with pins ,elastic bands or tape and leave to dry.Then remove and glue with sandable wood glue and replace on the former , I used pins for this bit as I needed to tweak the outline
  8. Just looked in my copy of oct 1972 Radio Modeller and no mention is made of the c of g in the build article !! will have a look for the plan that DB did for a Hurri of 48" span , may give you a starting point
  9. Thanks for the link Bob , it was as a result of looking through my old back issues for something else that I came across the July 1976 RCM&E with DB’s N24 on the cover that inspired me to do the conversion of the legonaire , however I have decided to do the later N27 as I like doing the laminated outlines on the curved surfaces . Steve , better hope Jan never gets sight of that post !!  LOL ! Edited By jeff2wings on 09/01/2012 23:32:26
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