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  1. I used to buy lots of eflite (Horizon Hobby) stuff, but stopped buying any of their products due to their truly awful customer service. Horizon are charging premium prices for their products but not providing the service to justify that price.
  2. Lets not forget that we are talking about toy radios. There are probably (almost certainly) tens of thousands of non EU compliant radios & video transmitters currently in operation in the UK with no adverse effects. I even own and use some of these non-compliant devices (legacy devices purchased before the rules changed). This is hardly the crime of the century! I can guarantee many, many users of this forum have broken EU rules at some point. For example, people with diabetes are not supposed to drive. Children under 8 years old are not allowed to blow up balloons. How many of you have called a meat and potato pasty a 'Cornish' pasty even if it has not come from Cornwall? How many farm shops still sell a 'dozen' eggs. Not to mention breaking UK laws - how many of us have sounded our car horn in anger at another motorist? Now that is lawlessness.....
  3. Hi Don, The range of an EU dx9 is poor. I'd gladly use an international version. After all, they work great in all non EU countries around the world. Level playing field argument is nonsense. Many open TX type radios coming from vendors which I shall not name have been unknowingly purchased and used in the UK with international power levels and the sky has not fallen down yet. It really is a non-issue. Harry should just use the radio as-is, instead of wasting money to get it downgraded.
  4. When I got my first 6 channel spektrum radio, it was also good value for money. However, over time their prices have shot up exponentially - especially if you need more than the standard 6 channels. Likewise, I have never had a problem with spektrum receivers (but have had some duff Lemon receivers). Spektrum transmitter RF failures do seem to be all to common though amongst other issues.
  5. Very unnecessary disparaging tone there Chris. All my current models are fitted with spektrum receivers. In my family we own 2x DX9, 1x DX6, 1x DX8 and several bundled dx(n)e radios. I also own a 1980's sanwa and futaba radio. The two 1980's radios have never failed and still function perfectly. Every one of the spektrum radios has had a failure at some point. Both the DX9's have suffered rf deck failures (which is a very serious failure when it occurs in flight). I am sort of trapped in the spektrum ecoshpere at the moment, but as current radios fail again, I will not be replacing them with spektrum. In hindsight, given my time over, I would not have gone with the overpriced and unreliable spektrum gear. Glad you have had a good experience. I have not been so fortunate.
  6. My experience of Spektrum radios has not been good. Too many component failures (multiple rf deck failures, roller wheel failures, screen failure etc). Customer service is diabolical. Very expensive if you want a radio/receiver with lots of channels too.
  7. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 off the misses..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYqJALPVn0Y
  8. Posted by leccyflyer on 18/12/2020 21:37:35: Posted by Jason-I on 18/12/2020 21:01:35: Posted by leccyflyer on 18/12/2020 08:44:38:   E-Flite are a reputable company, selling good quality products to a range of different modellers. They are not targeting beginners with their higher end models or putting them off the hobby.   I beg to differ. I still have a very bitter taste in my mouth after my dealings with Horizon Hobby. I will not buy any of their (overpriced ) products anymore, and would not recommend their products to anybody else either. Best avoided like the corona..... Whereas my experience with E-Flite models in particular and Horizon Hobbies in general has been exemplary - high quality products and top quality service. I have no hesitation at all in recommending their products to anyone, having owned at least 15 of their models, multiple transmitters and receivers. Glad you had a good experience, but in my 50 years on this planet, Horizon Hobby has been the single most worst company I have ever had the misfortune of dealing with. I have several outstanding issues that have never been resolved. In my experience they are a disgraceful company and I would not wish them on my worst enemy! Oh, and I used to spend thousands on their products. Wont put a single penny their way now..... Edited By Jason-I on 19/12/2020 09:27:13
  9. Posted by leccyflyer on 18/12/2020 08:44:38: E-Flite are a reputable company, selling good quality products to a range of different modellers. They are not targeting beginners with their higher end models or putting them off the hobby. I beg to differ. I still have a very bitter taste in my mouth after my dealings with Horizon Hobby. I will not buy any of their (overpriced ) products anymore, and would not recommend their products to anybody else either. Best avoided like the corona.....
  10. better than a poke in the eye with a wotsit....
  11. That's got my name written all over it.....
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