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Chris B 3

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  1. Hi all, It's been a while since I have had time to update this blog (my bad) due to work and I was at the open last weekend in birkdale which was fun. The build is coming along now. I am feeling the frustration of not having the right tools for the job at time but I guess I will acquire these over time. I have most of the main structure built now and I'm now trying to figure out what receiver battery I need to use. Does anyone have any ideas what I should be doing here. I bought a a fly sky receiver off eBay but I don't have any instructions for it. Is there a stock receiver battery I should be using? Thanks Chris
  2. Chris B 3

  3. Chris B 3

  4. Chris B 3

  5. Chris B 3

  6. Thanks Mike/fun flyer!! I spent yesterday cuttin tie wing off and managed to do so slowly without too much damage. I'm going to remake it up today being extra careful!! After I took wing off I'd had enough of looking at it so put it to one side and started work back on the fuse. I had made up former F5!and having spent an age trying to position the fuel tank, made the relevant holes in formers f3 and f4 in order for them to accept it. I glued F4 and F5 in place last night and allowed them to dry overnight and this morning I have added the second side of the fuse. It's starting to look like a plane a little now!!   Edited By Chris B 3 on 16/07/2017 11:17:09
  7. Thanks, Stuart!! Learning big lessons all the time now! At least I'll be ready for next build. I had resigned myself to having to try and remove the offending wing so it's no surprise! I think once I had amassed the right tool collection I will cut my own braces next time and make them much longer!! So today's project will be building up the fuse and removing the wing!!! cheers chris
  8. Thanks,Stuart. I found a place in Dublin who say they can get me 10% so hopefully I will have the right fuel. My latest foul up has come when trying to glue the wings. I have one glued with the correct dihedral angle, but I have somehow managed to glue the other with hardly any angle. The centrepiece must have come unpinned slightly whilst I was applying the epoxy to the braces. Now I'm no expert but that can't be good to have one wing angled more than the other. Is this something which is a show stopper for me, or can I get around it with the trim set up on the aircraft. Chris
  9. I'll glue the wings tonight and work on finishing them up whilst I wait for the replacement balsa which will allow me to start up on the fuselage again!! Fun flyer - thanks for the landing gear advice I will def be using the rubber bands as opposed to the fixed landing gear Cheers Chris
  10. Thanks for all the advice guys, it's really helping me move along. I'm looking at the fuel at for some reason there is a serious lack of glow fuel in Ireland!!!! I've managed to find one place that does 15% nitro but nothing less so I'm guessing I'll go with that unless anything else turns up! I managed to salvage the wing, but it involved cutting the TE off in segments and I did a little damage to some of the ribs. Big lesson learned there!! I remade the wing up and have done a dry run to check how straight it is. It's a decent effort for a first time but I get why you need make sure all your angles are right on the wing build as my ribs are not entirely flush when I put them together. However they are close enough that I thing they will be fine...at least I hope!!!
  11. Chris B 3

  12. Chris B 3

  13. Thanks, Stuart. I was looking forward to getting stuck into the business end of the build so a little disappointing!!
  14. Ch Hi all Sorry, the engine is an Irvine 40. Not too sure where i got 49 from. I think il go with the OS max. I am not an experienced flyer and this will be my first fly with an engine. Out of interest what sort of fuel should I be looking at. I read somewhere that a glow fuel with a nitro content of 15%. Does that sound right? Regarding the build I've hit a stumbling block. Well the reality is I've made a school boy error and used the 1/4 x 1/2 instead of the 3/8 by 3/16 for the TE on one of the wings. It was glued in solid and so I've had to cut it out.unfortunatley that puts the build on hold until I can get some more balsa which isn't easy in Northern Ireland and so I'll have to amazon some. I feel like a right plum!! Cheers Chris
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