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Roger James 1

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  1. Orme Weekend 8/9th Sept Well done Phil for calling in the weather gods and for your usual tireless first class work at this event which I will remember for a long time. There were many good flights seen and enjoyed. The highlights for me was the standard of quality seen on the Hurricane build with everyone appearing to enjoy their maiden flights, Matts Sea Vixen which could only be heard 40 yards back from the flight line, a lovely Catalina, Simons Pucara and many more. Great event with great company made the journey well worthwile
  2. Thanks for info guys. Very helpful and now good to go. Looking forward to the Pssa new season and elevator lift at the Orme. This one is going to need it!
  3. I am about to balance this one out for the new season. Instructions give c/g at 300mm from leading edge from the front of the wing glove which puts it back to within 50mm of the trailing edge which seems a bit far back to me. Perhaps its me but does any one have one to tell me where you measure from ie leading edge (normal way that I do it). Would be interested to know when these kits were produced. Thanks
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