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Phil Beard

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Phil Beard last won the day on November 28 2022

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  1. IMG_2062.MOV The drop tanks have had a coat of lightweight filler applied to fill all gaps a help create a more circular geometry, this has been sanded back and then each side of the lower part of the drop tanks have been glass clothed on both sides with a second coat been applied just to the bottom of each as this are will sustain more of the impact on being dropped. Attached is a video showing the drop tank mechanism in action. I've used the toggle switch for the landing gear on the radio gear for the drop tank function. IMG_2062.MOV
  2. Andrew, Not sure what part of the UK you're located. The PSSA guys hold a number of Fly-ins around the UK and the details for these can be found https://www.pssaonline.co.uk/ Whilst the majority are held on the Great Orme in North Wales, most people all travel from various places around the UK for the weekend and we have a good days flying and a group meal in the evening. I travel to these events from Ayr in Scotland and it's worth the effort to meet the guys at these events. Hopefully we'll see yourself at one in the future.
  3. Sabre drop tanks progressing and getting a light coating of lightweight filler and final sanding to shape. The actual pylons will be shaped once I've glassed the main part of the drop tanks. Also attached is a small video showing Phil Cooke of the PSS flying his Mass Build Sabre on the Great Orme on the 30th Dec 2024 as we'd brought the New Years Eve Fly-in a day earlier due to the weather looking better. Also a couple of link to more photos from our End of Year Fly-In taken at a windy Great Orme, Llandudno, 30th December 2024. [https://www.flickr.com/.../98511.../albums/72177720322878632] Mass build Sabre.MP4
  4. Planking of the drop tanks still progressing.
  5. Been doing alot of planking on the 2 drop tanks today. It's like having an extra 2 small models to complete also.
  6. I've cut out the drop tank main spine today and then gave it some weight reduction modifications using my 30 odd year old Vibro saw as can be seen in the first photo. After that I've added the 7 frames to the drop tank adding 30mm of triangular balsa stock either side to make sure it's at 90 degrees and a little bit of support also.
  7. Made a template of the drop tanks for the Sabre tonight so as to check hole alignment and also where to locate the anti-rotation holes. On the last photo you can see the internal reinforcing for the anti rotation pin prior to drill though the bottom skin.
  8. Further progress on the drop tank mechanism has been made tonight. As you can see that I've now cut the blue outer tube between Rib 6 and 7 and the inner yellow tube can be seen in one photo and not the other as this will act as the release mechanism. Servo has been installed and now just need to add the linkage from the servo to the yellow inner rod. Also I'll need to make a hole aft of the main spar to receive the anti-rotation pin which is set in the rear half of the drop tank.
  9. I've started putting in the drop tank mechanism into the wing tonight as can be seen in the photos. I would have started making the spine of the drop tanks tonight but the overnight delivery from SLEC has again been delayed. Hopefully the 1/8 inch liteply will arrive tomorrow together with some additional balsa which I'll need in the future so that the cost of the courier doesn't feel as bad.
  10. Gordon that was 40 odd years ago on my initial Space Commander RC gear and 27.145 MHz as the crystal was soldered in and the flag was Yellow.
  11. Gordon many thanks for your response. Same Servos so should rotate same direction. I'm going to have to read the Futaba 10J manual as I'm in a new area for myself. Andy Meade from the PSS group has enlightened me that you can buy servo reversers which I never knew about. See below link to them on E-bay. I can remember when I was about 16 (some time ago) unscrewing the servo and re-soldering the wires on the servo motor. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/276302397606?chn=ps&_ul=GB&var=578720839170&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1h27VdrJxQpymPOKG1cQjdA5&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=578720839170_276302397606&targetid=2425733423477&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=1007355&poi=&campaignid=21697391927&mkgroupid=162558106770&rlsatarget=aud-1162782600616:pla-2425733423477&abcId=10027104&merchantid=109772729&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIlr_R1Z-QigMVx5dQBh2-uBaJEAQYASABEgJ6LfD_BwE
  12. Guys I'm after some advice. I'm just working out the mechanism for my Sabre drop tanks and using a servo in each wing. If i join these servos together with a Y-Lead will they both rotate in the same direction?
  13. Drop Tank frames have all been sanded to shape today. The Proxxon sander makes easy work doing this with great accuracy also.
  14. Decided to start making the frame for the drop tanks T1 to T7. Currently have managed to find enough material in my scrap box for all except T4 and T5. Price of balsa being so high and these won't be critical parts as the drop tanks will be blanked in 2.4mm balsa and then glass cloth covered. I'll need to purchase the main 6mm light weight ply for the main spine of the tanks. Have been drawing up today how the mechanism for dropping the tanks will work.
  15. Today the MacGregor servos required for the ailerons and flaps arrived. Already had the smaller Corona S-939MG servos in my stock. These Corona servos are really good and were selling on Hobby King last Friday for only £4.84 each from the UK warehouse. So bought a few more as I do use these in alot of my smaller builds. Will start working on the mechanism for the drop tanks tomorrow and most likely do a mock up for the aileron and flap servos since they've now arrived.
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