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  1. But Phil, where would be the fun in that?
  2. What an amazing response, I feel like I've joined a club already! I will pursue the local club, it has a reasonably up to date website so perhaps I caught the secretary on a bad day. I'm more interested in design and build than flying to be honest but I do need to learn to fly! I've been practicing with PicaSim and a cheap X-box controller and I can now land in simulated blustery conditions! Taking a cue from the recent Correx articles I'm thinking that a cheap sacrificial trainer might be my first project. My life-long ambition has been to build a much more sophisticated ornithopter than we've seen so far and it seems that technology in all areas has finally reached the stage where that might be possible without a military sized budget. This would require a semi-autonomous control of some sort hence the Raspberry Pi or Arduino etc. However, before diving into that, I feel totally ignorant about the radio gear I see advertised. If Futaba advertises an 8 channel Tx but puts in brackets 16 channel SBUS, does the 8 channel refer to PWM only? If yes, then with only two sticks how are the other 4 PWM channels controlled? Transmitters are festooned with switches which presumably only have two or three positions so I presume they wouldn't use a PWM channel. I'm also baffled by the prices. I can't afford over a grand for a Futaba system but on the other hand, from what I've read so far, ELRS does what I need and a Radiomaster unit appears to offer this at a fraction of the price. This is why I need to join a club and just talk to a few people who can put me straight! Many thanks for everyone's input. Bob
  3. Thanks Shaun, but I'm really looking forward to diving into on-board Raspberry Pi controllers etc. Bob
  4. Thanks, very useful. I will try again as you suggest. Bob
  5. Hello all Just signed up after a year of subscribing to RCM&E and about 55 years since my last model. Reading between the lines I'm amongst many returning to the hobby in their 70s. As my last model was single channel, rudder only, I've a lot to catch up on. I'll switch to the Beginners section next to ask some very basic questions about radio gear. My renewed interest coincided with a move to Cornwall where the weather unfortunately seems rarely suitable for model flying which might explain the low level of activity here. The BMFA website does list a club quite close to me but its membership is described as "restricted". An email to the secretary elicited a prompt reply to the effect that there were no vacancies, please go away. I can only assume that its not really a flying club but a cover for a Cornish smuggling operation! Bob
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