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shepeiro last won the day on November 30 2024

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  1. So the canopy I want to make is about 50mm*15mm*20mm. Will have to see how it works with a 0.5mm petg sheet first. Also tempted to make engine pods for it (will also be tiny) but no idea on the resulting weights so might leave that for now.
  2. That’s 400micron pvc linked in thread was that rigid enough? There’s a few comments on page that says it’s like regular paper in terms of flex. Does the heat cure add rigidity?
  3. To try this out I have some 0.5mm petg any other recommends for something quite light weight (this will be mostly for micro->small park flier scale)
  4. Hmmmyeah hadn’t considered the effect of the ratio at this scale being negligible if not countered by surface drag. going to continue the design but might re-evaluate depending on what the weight is expected at. If I’m well under prob will go ahead if more similar to donor may adjust the wing see what I can get away with without compromising the scale-ness too much
  5. Aiming for a 460mm wingspan 45g build. Donor plane has exact same wing area and is 50g. This should have similar front profile area, much sleeker generally but engine pods and wheels (always down) will add a chunk back high taper wings might be errrrr …interesting. and this is what the vacume former is for. Never done any scale (ish) model befor what can go wrong!!!
  6. May have gotten distracted. not sure which is best to go with so far. This is much simpler due to not being a bipe but will need to be more careful about the wing loading
  7. It’s kitten sized never done any vacume forming so don’t know the tolerances but think the bed is about 170mm square so not big but I didn’t want too much waste for the generally small to micro projects I to. Imagine you could get some medium sized Canopies if placed diagonally.
  8. Little DIY project that I wanted to try out. untested in anger yet but if anyone wants the .svg happy to put them up here
  9. Hey there. that is very neat. Would also be curious what the weight would be of something like that. Can you get away with it at 1s scale? (perhaps if it’s radial for a WWI bipe it’s needed for CG anyway?) anyway look forward to seeing what your making!
  10. What’s the weight difference between the balsa spars with tow and just going for a square section carbon tube?
  11. Bye-the-way first spinner only fixed with friction as couldn’t figure out good way with prop saver. Wonder how long it will last…
  12. Ok calling this one done until I re-maiden it. Was going to add undercarriage but want to test flight characteristics first with these modifications. beefed up cowl/prop and added a spinner brings Cg forward by 5mm ish so hoping this will be able to trim it a little more forgivingly. waiting on black prop to keep colour scheme a little less clashy
  13. Just watched the jets in the mist video again at the highest res on my laptop and its better than I would expect from a GoPro (obviously nothing to do with the content of the video which is top notch and reminds me of my rank armatureishness🤣) how come you use the digital zoom at highest? I would have thought choosing the crop later would get you better results, though a lot more work
  14. will take another look, did watch it when you first posted I remember thinking you didn’t see much, hard to tell what was the camera limitations vs the low cloud and YouTube compression. my craft are smaller but a lot slower so will spend more time closer in. Perhaps worth trying
  15. I haven’t but I think it’s a single lens fixed fov so would only be a digital zoom which would be pointless as it’s just a predefined crop better to do in post.
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