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Tony Gibson

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Everything posted by Tony Gibson

  1. Hi Declan Seems like we are in similar situations. It's funny that you should mention starting out with an RTF bush style foam model as I have just bought something called Bigfoot, I would describe it exactly as you have described your model. I haven't had an opportunity to actually fly anything yet, I am sure I will be as rough as sandpaper, but I do feel strangely confident that I will be able to stagger around the sky reasonable safely, although I will have someone ready with a buddy box just in case I am wrong about that.
  2. Hi Nick, Nice to hear from someone with experience of this build. Still undecided on retracts, I want to try and keep it as scale as possible so Sierra is currently at the forefront of my thoughts. I have however decided on the 3 cylinder Satio radial engine. What are your thoughts on that? As you have already built this model are there any potential pitfalls, or maybe some tips that spring to mind? Thanks
  3. This is ideal. The perfect solution. Thanks for this Peter.
  4. Thanks for the suggestions and the advice guys. It's great to get all these different angles when you are a bit unsure where to begin. I will check these ideas out.
  5. I hadn't considered starting out with something ready made and then adapting it. That sounds like a good place to start. Thanks for your help Allan.
  6. Hi guys, I am a reasonably capable builder but am new to scale modelling. My current project is a 1/4 scale FW190 which I am building from a Vailley plan. My question is, I want to include realistic scale lights to the model. Is there somewhere I can source such a thing or does anybody have any ideas of how I can make something suitable?
  7. Thanks guys. I am involved with a local club and would definitely feel better with an experienced pilot ready to step in should I make a mistake. When I left the hobby electric flight was in its infancy, but I am impressed how far it has come. It seems like quite a convenient way to take part in the hobby without the need to carry loads of ancillary bits and pieces. I do wonder though, how long before I feel the need for bigger and faster!
  8. Thanks everyone, for the warm welcome and the advice. I do agree a smaller model would be the best way to start reacquainting myself with flying model aircraft. I am thinking of going for a small electric powered model to start out with.
  9. HI everybody I am new here, returning to model building and flying after can you believe 30 years! So very much has changed particularly radio gear! Not being one to do things the easy way I have purchased a set of Vailley plans for 1/4 scale FW190, which I intend to start work on during the Christmas break. I have just ordered the wood, (price is another thing that has changed), and am looking forward to getting started. If anyone has experience building this model I would appreciate a few pointers. Thanks all Tony
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