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Steve Jones 2

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Everything posted by Steve Jones 2

  1. Looks good and yep a little more nose weight like mine . Balance is a personal thing … once it’s to your liking .. enjoy !
  2. Yep 1100 for me but I think it could take larger . 1500 maybe 👌
  3. Another Lovely model by Rich E again . Synco partner in the view .. I think there’s going to be trouble when all three models get together.. what could possibly go wrong !! lol steve
  4. Fab day Rich and the model is fantastic . I think many will enjoy building and flying this . . The twin flying was not easy and I think the synco pair have nothing to worry about .. key is flying the right model apparently !! Lol
  5. Will try it inverted next time out Rich .. if it needs down it might be due to forward cog … for me ‘right way up flying ‘ is the priority 🤣🤣🤣
  6. So final numbers on shifty…..AUW 585g… cog at 95mm in front of main wing leading edge 🤟
  7. Quick dash to the field , despite blustery conditions .. result !! A little more nose weight for the second flight .. then dialled in !!🥳
  8. Not sure yet rich . Will add all equip and battery and let you know
  9. Here you go . Beta build complete.. Another great model Rich . If it flys like yours I flew last year it’s going to be fantastic 🤟
  10. The end draws ever closer… a few hrs spent on this one !!!😎😎
  11. Office nearly done . Some instruments to go 🤟
  12. A little more progress .. a real joy to shape the fuselage 😎
  13. Up and running . Hopefully a couple of weeks away . Having flown the Canard last summer when rich game me his Tx .. it’s fantastic . Smoooooth and predictable 🤟
  14. So for reference , although Rich has suggested the balance via a dimension from the front of the mast, a great idea for plane builders… my model hangs at 10deg without the blades and the battery 🤟
  15. Great build as always Chris , always with an Aussi twist !! steve
  16. Final finishing for rudder and closed loop system . Guides from safety pins . Tail triangular supports added
  17. Yep Chris . Standard motor mount as rich design . Just watch the diameter for your specific motor and mounting holes . Fine for my 28size motor
  18. Nearly there .. a few screws and a prop and final balance . Maiden will be next weekend if the weather plays ball
  19. A bit more progress 🤟motor mount done
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