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What Warbird shall I buy?

Tom T

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Hi everyone,
I'm looking to buy/build a Warbird for next years Warbirds day and I have know idea what to buy. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to buy? Should I go for a slow steady plane or a fast fighting plane like the spitfire? If anyone has built a Warbird and has pictures of the build (or of it finished) then please may I have a look at them? Also i'm new to the hobby and should be getting my A certificate in a few weeks and Warbirds day is next June.
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Good recommendation Shaun, the P-47 is very forgiving and a great looking warbird.
Tom, are you going electric or fuel motor on this? Electric is possibly easier for a first warbird as it's less to worry about and you know there's always power available when you need it.
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Thanx i'll look at the P-47, and I've been learning and flying with fuel so ill probably stick to it.
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No idea, LOL! Sorry, i don't mind too much what size it is. But being 14 i'm on a budget but I have saved my pocket money, Christmas/birthday money and i think i might have enough for a reasonable sized plane/engine from the prices I have worked out for all the gear. I'm hoping to build ARTF but if it comes to it being over budget or taking too long, i might have to buy second hand in time for next years event. Does anyone know of a good ARTF for a P-47, P-51, Hurricane, Spitfire or something along those lines?
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Thanx Neil . Is it a small Spitfire or is it slightly bigger because 45" doesn't seem that big. I live just down the road from Kings Lynn Model Shop and I've been to the shop a few times for my radio gear and things so it'll not be difficult to get (would get delivery but prefer to pick up in person). I had a Spitfire before which was electric and it seemed big although it was 35" So it may be an optical illusion. But i suppose on my budget i'll have to keep things to a minimum.
Thank you for the link
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i wouldnt say its that small tom, i just measured it against my seagull boomerang and its about the same size, so around average 40 size trainer wingspan and length ish, your best bet would be to go to the shop and ask there, have a look at the kits etc, its always better to get up close and personal with a kit than just pics on a webpage i find
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Cool, Thanks Neil, i'll do that I'll also lok at the planes on a few websites , YT Internationals, KLMS, Inwoods, Ali's Hobbies etc. On the subject of planes i'm going more into 3d/sports flying what kind of plane would you recommend as an medium difficulty plane?
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Ok, Thanx Alan, I will do i'll have a good look around before buying. I'm looking to get a high performance (aerobatic) Warbird as then i can use it when flying other aerobatic planes so that I don't have to adapt back and forth from each type of plane.
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I probably wouldn't be allowed to another show as I've been to two in the last fortnight but thank you for the offer. Will you be going BMFA nationals maybe we could do it then? Id love to find out what the the good/bad and value for money planes are.
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Will do I'm hoping on going Saturday morning and camping over night on the Saturday/Sunday and then going home on Sunday afternoon. Hopefully i'll be qualified enough to fly at the free-flight in the evenings because that looks like alot of fun. Now all I need to do is persuade my parents to suffer a night in the tent at the Nats. Really do hate it when your parents aren't interested in the hobby you are, makes it very difficult. Hope to see you there maybe?
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That sounds like a good place to be, ill try and see if i can get a Warbird there maybe. I was at a bring and buy a couple of weeks ago and I was surprised at how cheap things were, there was an Extra 330L ready to fly ( not ready but nearly, just needs radio) had engine and everything, it was for sale at £82.
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