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A lovely wee Spitfire - 610 Squadron put of Biggin Hill methinks.


Maiden flight of my latest Spitfire yesterday - the 1.2m Flightline Spitfire IXc, which I was very pleased with. Photos courtesy of my pal Derek Robertson, including a nice City of Glasgow 602 Squadron composite with Pierre Clostermann in the lead.






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Thanks Adrian _I knew that I had to have one of these when I saw David Ashby's review in the magazine, but I made a schoolboy error and ordered the larger one, in a moment of madness, That's still in it's box, but when I stuffed my spare Parkzone Spitfire a few months back I came straight home and ordered the smaller 1.2m Flightline Spitfire IXc. The Flightline models are some of the nicest foamies that I've tried and the extra few inches over the 1100mm foamie funfighters makes a big difference in the volume of the model and especially the ground handling on grass.

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Thanks Peter,


Credit goes to the venerable Richard Wills. This model was his original p51 that had hundreds of flights under its wings. I acquired it as part of Richard’s ‘moving house garage sale’. It had a solid fuselage, but the wing was toast. It’s now got a foamboard wing, electric conversion and reborn as a fling and flopper. Launches from a dolly if there’s a little breeze, or a good heft if there isn’t.


Flies great, and looks good in the air. Be better when I’ve detailed it..



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After a long wait I've finally found an Acrowot with a 55AX which I've been over with a fine tooth coomb and it's looking good.


Here it is having final tweaks on a stand supplied by @Ron Gray which I couldn't be happier with. Ron kindly altered the dimensions for me and got it delivered within a couple of days. 

Maiden as soon as the weather here plays ball and onwards towards my B test.



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I have been after one of these for ages - it was the first RC model I ever built and it didn't last the first day's flying. 

This one is beautifully built and has all the original 70's / early 80's decals on it. It's even covered in the box colour scheme. The ony thing I am not sure about is the chrome tape trim, and there's a tiny dent in the port leading edge. Just needs RX and servos fitting and setting up. 

The tailplane looks like it's not on straight - it's just very lightly banded on for the pic. 




Edited by Stuart Quinn-Harvie 1
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Nestled near the back is my new model.




That's just a Wot4 I hear you say. Yes it is but I have a history with Wot4s.


Many moons ago (decades) I had a kit built Wot4 that I put hundreds of flights on, with a selection of engines from an old Enya SS40, to an SC70FS. The Wotty bore the battle scars of my ham-fisted flying, at various, often very rough locations. It also had a rebuilt fuselage from my only ever actual transmitter failure in flight when the RF board failed. It sat unused for 15 years or so, while I raised a family, and only had snatched moments with smaller, electric models.


When I moved to The East Riding Of Yorkshire, I had less calls on my time, and a very local flying field where there are minimal flying restrictions. It came out of storage. I promptly flew it through a copse, creating a Wotty corpse. I was pretty miffed.


For a couple of years, I flew only electric, but kept being drawn to the box of unused ic engines..... I bit the bullet and started flying some ic again, even bought a small petrol. Then a clubmate decided to give up on fixed wing and concentrate on multi-rotors. I acquired an ARTF W4 with a Stinger 10cc RE, digital servos throughout. The model seemed much more delicate than my kit built version, but flew beautifully, albeit quite noisily. It flew perfectly for a few hundred flights, then the Stinger started playing up, so I replaced it with an Evolution 10cc petrol.  Dozens more trouble-free flights, although I could never get rid of the mid-range burble. Disaster! With minimal warning, all radio contact was lost, and it killed itself in a ploughed field - investigations found a switch with a faulty contact which may have been the culprit.


Immediately bought another. Flew happily for around 50 flights, with the only issue being an exhaust falling off - although it sounded nice and throaty, it was a tad loud! I bunged on an old glow silencer while I hunted for a replacement. Then a Mondeo estate ran over it - crunch! Said Monde then reversed back over it to see what the crunch was.  Surprisingly, the wooden structure couldn't support the Mondeos weight. There is a picture in the Summer Flying thread.


So...... the W4 above is my 4th overall, and 3rd in just over a year. It still has the Evo engine, but on its side, and a real silencer that seems to have cured the mid-range burble. Hopefully, once the receiver is replaced, it'll have a long life.....

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No such thing as "just a Wot 4" I reckon. I have never seen one not flying well, even one so badly set up ( by folks that were refused entry to our club because of their, frankly psychotic flying practices ) that it was flying straight along a line but pointed along a different one. ( Masses of electronics, a poorly set up gyro and a cavalier attitude to life and limb were involved.) Great history too - thanks for that. 

I must get one ( a Wot 4, not a history )  one of these days. 


Edited by Stuart Quinn-Harvie 1
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2 hours ago, Ron Gray said:

My latest. a Freewing Zeus, very quiet and quite quick



Looks nice Ron . If you pull up a similar angled image of the Dynam Meteor (V3 Version) , they have a very similar style . 

Maybe its just a bigger brother ?

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This is more like a Habu imo, I've also got the Dynamo Meteor, from memory V1, and that does fly really well on 5S but the Zeus on 8S is rather nice!!!! The only problem with the design is the low tailplane which can get blanked by the flaps if you're not careful so barn door deployment is not to be recommended!

Edited by Ron Gray
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Leccy's Home For Distressed Aeroplanes opened it's hangar doors again this week to accept a few airframes being retired to free up workshop space by my prolific plan builder pal Jim, so that he can create yet more masterpieces. Dropped in on him yesterday to pick up a spinner for last week's donation and the Flair SE5a that he was moving on, to receive another surprise gift, a lovely 1m span twin pusher Vulcan.  I can't wait to get these pre-loved aeroplanes back in the air again and to see what will come out of the new found space in Jim's workshop in the coming months.


Here's some piccies that I grabbed of these new to me aeroplanes when Jim was flying them.


Avro York, built from blue foam from the Tony Nijhuis free plan and handed on to me last week after here final flights under Jim's care.



Avro Vulcan - 39" span ,two wee Turnigy 2212 motors turning twin pusher props. Might try this one on the slope.



Flair SE5a , Turnigy D3542 motor, 3s1p 4000mah lipo, 12x6" wood prop - lovely model.








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