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horus x10


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Hi I gather you have bought a new x10 tx. If you have bought in uk/europe it will be eu LBT and any rx you get should be on LBT too. which rx you get depends on your needs so any of the x series of rx like the the grx / rx / sr(stability gyro ones) will do.

The x6r is a good allround rx. Let us know your needs and experience and more suggestions sutable will come.


the x6r take's   works on 4v to 10v  so 4/5 cell nimh and 2s lipo or life will be good.   just check your servos can handel the higher volt battery choice

Edited By flight1 on 21/10/2018 10:31:00

Edited By flight1 on 21/10/2018 10:31:50

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I agree with Pat. I can see the point in the X4R, it's physically very small. I can see the point in the X8R - good all round Rx. But the X6R? Seems to me to be sort of the worst compromise! Don't get me wrong, it woks fine, I just don't think its as useful as the other two. I have exclusively X4R's and X8R's, about 5 of the former and over thirty of the later!

Something to keep in mind here, every X-series Rx is actually a full16 channel device, the number, 4, 6 or 8, only describes the number of external servo connections. And of course if its a SBus enabled Rx then all 16 channels are available to you - even though the rX is called a X4R and has only 4 sets of servo pins!

Long rule FrSky!


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Yes indeed you can Ron, as indeed you can get amps, mAh, altitude, vario GPS and many others if you have those sensors.

The point I was making is that there is direct access on the X6R to measure a voltage, where there isn't on the X8R. OK the connection is in a very awkward place (right in the middle on the bottom of the Rx. But it is there if you want it.

Sonny yes I agree, the cost of Rxs and telemetry sensors is a big factor in the overall cost of converting to a new system. I get the impression that many users of other brands miss this point.

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Posted by Chris Bott - Moderator on 21/10/2018 16:33:24:
The X6R can be a boon when space is tight. It also has the bonus over the X8R of having access to a voltage measuring telemetry input.

So as long as you use an appropriate voltage divider, you have the option to monitor say LiPo volts instead of Rx volts, if you wish.

TBH I don't think the difference in size between R6X & R8X is significant, the 8 is 2.76mm wider but a little shorter & not quite as deep.
I don't have an R6X & wasn't aware of the voltage measuring port. I take it this mean using an FBVS in A1 to measure the lipo instead of internal Rx volts, similar to D series Rx's, except that with D there's also an A2 port so you don't lose the Rx voltage telemetry.

All in all, I still think the RX8 is better VFM.


Edited By PatMc on 21/10/2018 19:24:53

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Sonny that's a very good question. I don't think that FrSky have ever said.

Both types of aerial give plenty of range. Often it's easier to mount the thin wire one, maybe inside a thin plastic tube. Sometimes it's convenient to stick the PCB type to something with double sided tape.

Far more important is where they're mounted. The actual aerial is just the part at the end. This should be mounted away from anything else metal (including any other wires). The two aerials should be mounted as far apart from each other as you can and they should be oriented at 90deg to each other.
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Posted by SONNY MONKS on 24/10/2018 18:35:13:

Hi Guys,Can someone send me some pics through on the mounting of the receivers,i normally mount mine in between the servos and tank,on the fus side,can you mount them to the rear of the servos,where the pushrods are,on the side of the fus,where there are less cables?

Not FrSky (not that it makes any difference), but yes you can mount the receiver anywhere, just make sure the aerials are at 90 deg to each other and you should be fine. I have several models set up this way. If it's an IC plane just make sure that the receiver is well supported and protected against vibration.

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Hi Sonny - well, exciting day eh! And a fun weekend ahead of you.

I don't beieve you will be dissapointed in either the quality or the reliability of he system. But there is one thing I would advise, Horus is a very powerful transmiter, but inevitably with the power goes a degree of complexity. So take your time getting to know it, enjoy the journey as you discover more and more new and novel feaures.


PS Are you planning to leave it on FrOS or take it to OpenTx?

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Hi moderator,yes i am impressed with the quality,for the price.and no i am sticking to the fros firmware,i am no way clued enough yet to understand it,i am wanting just basic model set up at the moment,the only thing im not happy about is the lack of instructions,phew,getting to grips with this,is gonna pickle my head,youtube certainly helps,il be watching it all day,and evening lol.

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There is an excellent manual on OpenTX (including its use on the Horus) written by Martin Philips which is extremely easy to read. I'm sure the writer is a member of the forum under a pseudonym. It's in pdf format and I downloaded it earlier this year but I can't remember where.

I would strongly recommend you opt for OpenTX as most of the expertise available here is on that system. Whilst I'm sure the FROS works well, if you do hit a snag, there won't be many on here who'll be in a position to help you out


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