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Phil's F-86 Sabre build thread

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Thanks guys, plodding on here - I couldn't face the stripe and curve masking today in the cold so I brought the wing and tails indoors and spent a happy couple of hours adding some scale panel lines.  Still a few more to do around the main wheel doors on the underside but I'll have to make some guides before I apply them - I ran out of time - I was already pushing my luck modelling on the dining table on Valentines Day! ?





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Still finding jobs to do to avoid positioning and masking the blue stripes on the fuselage!  A dry fit of the rudder (before further paint detail) and the tailplanes proved I needed to tweak the angles on the rear elevator actuator a little to get the two panels to sit nicely parallel to the fuselage side.  All done and a quick R/C check proved good movement and clearance.  More paint now...


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Thanks Leccy - I only run a little oil heater in the garage which knocks the edge of the cold weather but not much more, to be honest when its been below zero outside its still pretty cold in garage - maybe 10 degrees, and at it's worst I have not painted on those days.   When I have painted, some of the paint took ages before it could be handled, it felt 'soft' for days even though it was surface dry.  Thankfully the temps are on the rise here again now in Derbyshire - double figures for the week ahead!!

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Finally got the fuselage stripes all masked up and ready for some blue paint.


I'd struggled to position an accurate stripe on my first attempts, even with an extra pair of hands - my metal metre rule would not conform to the curved fuselage well enough, I tried paper and then card templates but both got too 'floppy' towards the tail where the stripe tapers to zero thickness.  The solution was to use thin ABS plastic sheet which cut well with the knife and had just the right properties - stiff enough in one plane to remain straight - whilst flexible enough in the other plane to take the contours of the fuselage - if that makes sense!?  Anyway once taped down the template was marked out each side, and masking tape was then applied just outboard of the pencilled lines!








There's a couple of ellipse shapes to cut into the green tape at the front before the rest is masked off and we are ready for the paint.


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Blue paint done!  I'm mostly happy with it, there are a couple of small bleeds into the yellow - even after I sealed the edge of the tape with yellow paint (how does that happen!?) but worse than that there are a couple of small areas around sharp edge areas like the wing saddle where the tape has removed a little yellow paint down to the grey primer... these will have to be touched up by hand filling the 'void' - which has a depth of many layers of airbrushed paint!


Masking, masking masking...





And with the tape carefully removed!






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That is what comes of being a perfectionist Phil. Us mere mortals would be very happy with what looks like a fabulous paint job! Ask me how I know this?  I suppose that is why I started off being determined to paint mine then regressed into using Glosstex, and Solarfilm? Hence below it's alright sitting on the grass but when you get close it is a different story!



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A bit more stressful airbrush operation - well - the masking is stressful, the airbrushing I quite enjoy tbh... time for the Yugoslavian fin flash.








There is something quite theraputic about peeling the masking tape off too, until you discover an unplanned bleed!




Edited by Phil Cooke
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The red paint was a bit over-thinned I think and I got some bleeding from the red into the yellow and the white in places.  This cleaned up of with a damp rag against another taped border with just a thin corrective coat.  The none operational rudder can now be glued on.









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