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RCM&E December 20 / Jan 21 Issue

Capt Kremen

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Finally got a chance to read this month's double issue. Enjoyed Lindsay Todd's Gnatty refurb and gratified to see that the Gnatty Bounce is still a thing after all these years.

I also enjoyed Tim's workshop special on a beautifully finished thermal soaring favourite and Alex Whittaker's weekenders piece on shedly preparations for the winter. TN's Hawk looks like a wee bobby dazzler and can see quite a few of those being built in the coming months.

Sadly the bonus of the Defiant on the cover promising a cavalcade of BoB aeroplanes turned out to be a bit of a mish mash - not a Mk1 Spitfire to be seen, nothing but a tiny picture of an ARTF Bf109 on the slope, a Hurricane prototype, a trio of Lancasters, (which were not in service in 1940), but no Blenheims. No Dornier Do17 is understandable, as they are seriously undermodelled, but I'm very surprised that a regular attendee of Woodvale and Cosford wouldn't have decent shots of a Spitfire 1a, Hurricane Mk 1 and Messerschmitt Bf109e as the basis of such an article.

Incidentally I thought that the mainstream media did a decent job of the 80th Anniversary, with a nice series of documentaries around the anniversary and the excellent tribute by the BoB Model Squadron that was discussed on here at the time.

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I got mine in time. Considering the problems we all are faced with I think they've done a pretty good job with the mag.

I have to say, I like the free plans but prefer the smaller/simpler models than the large Pro Plans.

Anyone else notice that the cover photo is reversed/mirrored? (!)

Edited By Mark Lubbock on 20/12/2020 13:55:24

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Well, i am pleased that i got mine on time. Sorry to hear you guys are having trouble receiving your copy.

I did miss a copy a while back and i waited and waited in the end i got in touch with Beth and she kindly sent me a copy.

I do miss having a regular copy of RCM&E to read.

Nice to have a read about the Blink a small delta model that i had seen Richard Harris flying on Youtube.


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My kids got me a subscription starting from February '21.  As I've not seen this issue on a shelf anywhere, I thought I'd order it to make a complete year.  However, it doesn't appear to be available to order anymore.

I hope that's not a sign of things to come. Should I cancel the sub.?


Edited By Mike T on 28/12/2020 13:53:06

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As of today, I am still awaiting my copy. Once this is received I will be cancelling my subscription. In future if I do like the look of an issue I shall just pay full price at least that way I can get it on time. Very disappointed 😒

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I cancelled my subscription today as no responses to my posts on subscription thread, they have no copies available to send out and then I find out some Feb issues have been received. What's the point of having subscriber query section if it's not monitored.?

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