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Simulator for Mac?

Graham Davies 3

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Afternoon all,

I know this has been discussed before, but I am yet to reach a conclusion!

I'm thinking of getting a simulator to practice some manoeuvres that have always alluded me. On the one hand, this makes good sense during lockdown. On the other, practicing these when we return to the skies may be a good way to naturally select the squadron that has built up during lockdown!

I don't want to spend big on this; I will use it rarely once we are outside again, and I am aware of the limitations that exist due to the lack of peripheral information.

What is a good way to go on this, bearing in mind I only have Macs at home, no PC. I use a Futaba T9CAP transmitter; is there an interface cable that I can use? If not, can anyone also suggest a cost effective USB controller?

So my requirements are:

  • Works on Mac
  • Cheap 
  • A controller, or interface cable for my T9CAP

I consider this a green initiative; it's saving balsa...

Thanks all


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Except for Aerofly which I've got on my Mac (but really, really don't like and never use), there's nothing for Mac computers.

My solution is to use my son's old small PC tablet, stripped of absolutely everything except Picasim, and connect this via a HDMI cable to the 32" TV.

To control this using my Taranis, I use the wifi dongle available from FrSky.


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Graham’s question has peeked my interest now!

Thanks Ron/Jonathan Interesting. One for and one so so. Just as your replies came in I found a whole thread devoted to Aero fly on Rcgroups.

not sure if a copy will work but I’ll give it a go https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?3257613-AeroFly-RC8-Airplane-Heli-simulator-Users-thread/page3



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27 minutes ago, Ron Gray said:

I run Aerofly RC8 on my Mac and find it very good especially with the RX ‘dongle’ as per JonathanM. I use it mainly for practicing aerobatic manoeuvres. Initially I found it a bit lacking realism but once I tweaked the speed and the model settings it is a lot better.

Interesting to hear that Ron, my version is still RC7 but I don't expect there's much difference.

I have little interest in sim flying for the sake of it as I much prefer the real thing (so the highest resolution of scenery isn't that important to me although aerodynamic accuracy and smoothness is), but it is jolly useful as you say for training one's stick-fingers for aerobatic manoeuvres, initially even slowing time the time-frame etc.


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Quick update: 

Due to the scarcity of Mac options, I plucked up the courage to ask to borrow my wife's laptop. I know, you're all in awe of my bravery. In awe...


So that opened up a lot of options. And some flesh wounds...


I have downloaded Phoenix 5.5, and invested a princely £11 for a usb dongle to connect my transmitter. I have to say, it's really quite useable. The usual issues of lack of perspective exist (it's a real pig to find the strip; you can only tell where you are in relation to it when you're quite low, and by then trees become a problem). But there are loads of models and they're good enough to learn a few things.


Certainly will help to ease some of the rust from me thumbs ready for lockdown end sometime in 2023...



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With the ongoing lockdown, a number in our club are now regularly flying together ‘virtually’, using the multiplayer feature on RealFlight. Unfortunately this too is only available for PC, not Mac. So I believe one or two members have borrowed and, er, ‘reassigned’ Windows laptops from other uses within their household so they can join us.

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Chin up chaps!  Just imagine the scene in the not too distant future, two women chatting:


"Thank goodness this lockdown has finally ended!"

" Yes, what a blessed relief!  What's your George up to?"

"Out of my hair at last!  Eight this morning I kicked him out with a boot full of models and told him I don't want to see his ugly mutt until tea's ready at six.  How about your Pete?"

"He's on a flight to Ecuador or somewhere, says the LMS has run out of balsa and he's off to find some more.  How you celebrating your freedom then?"

"Still got a few hours left cleaning up the PC - there's after-run oil on the keyboard, can't wait to remove the screensaver 3-view of a Me262, and the trackpad is still on Mode 2..."


  • Haha 2
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Suitably inspired I have just invested in the FrSky RF dongle. 

Think I have an old sim on my windows laptop to try before I invest in anything new. Not been too impressed with graphics I have seen in captured videos of sims so far. They all seem to lack realistic  perspective. Perhaps the live sim will be better.



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I have just tried PicaSim on my iPad as it was only £3.

Actually quite impressed with the realism and range of models. I was actually interested because it boasted an extensive range of gliders/soaring options which indeed it has and quite realistic. Downside for the iPad is that it is touch screen controlled which atm is a nightmare for me as I was not brought up on computer games!

Might well give the PC aversion a go when I get my dongle and Tx hooked up. Thanks for the heads up on PicaSim Jonathan.



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Things improved when I changed to mode 1 which is my normal set up. What I can not yet get used to is not being able to move my line of sight in az and el particularly when you gain some height. Couple that with no control feedback and my fingers having moved completely off the control area and I am getting a lot plane ground interactions !


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My Frsky dongle arrived yesterday. I was prepared to have to upgrade the firmware to that of my Horus which I upgraded last year but thought nothing of it because the manual had said it could be done by the S port. What I didn’t realise was I had to dissemble the dongle to get at the relevant connections and the make up a lead to do the job. However all worked out .

My test was with a Multiplex flight sim demo I had from a few years ago. Ran it on my windows laptop piped through to the TV. I was surprised how real the model behaviour was and it was really good to twiddle some sticks again.

Next up is to match the link to PicaSim and see how that feels. 
If I am still on a roll I might just get something on the iMac as well.


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Hi Tim,

I went a slightly different route with a cheap USB adaptor from Ebay, and downloaded the now defunct Phoenix 5.5. I ran this on my wife's  laptop and aside from the usual issues of peripheral vision, it's surprisingly satisfying. Issues I have is simply aligning the sky to the ground! Vertical maneaveurs are really hard as it can be really difficult to tell if you are still pointing up, or have flopped towards yourself as the viewpoint changes. worse though; I really struggle to work out where I am in relation to ground obstacles. Until you are low enough to see them, you can't tell where you are. This often means low level go-arounds, or inadvertant cross wind landings. Or, hitting things!


I'd be interested what you get working on a Mac. I have a nice big screen on my mac, which will really help.



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On 21/02/2021 at 17:52, Jonathan M said:

Nice one Tim.


I also have it on my iPad but almost never use it on that because of the touch-screen thing.


I would love it if iPad could be used with an external controller, but that seems - like so such else - to be beyond the Apple 'ecosystem'!



A 5 second google search...

Connect a wireless game controller to your Apple device
  • Xbox Wireless Controller with Bluetooth (Model 1708)
  • Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2.
  • Xbox Adaptive Controller.
  • PlayStation DualShock 4 Wireless Controller.
  • Other MFi (Made for iOS) Bluetooth controllers might be supported.


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