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Seagull / Sg Skyraider, 1.60m

Paul De Tourtoulon

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Hi,  I am looking at the seagull skyraider for my vibrating 15cc Rcgf copy clone,
 they do three, the 230-b ( bee deco ) 230-T (tiger deco ) and the 230 which over here is 55€ cheaper than
the other two, in the publicity ( they aren't answering the phone ) the cheaper one ( I think ) is a one piece wing the others
are in two pieces, any own out there can tell me the difference ?, I have found the building instructions for the Band t, but not the other .
 thanks, Paul

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13 hours ago, Paul De Tourtoulon said:
Today, 08:05 AM
Living in the south of France
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No reply s anywhere, so no one has ever built or flown one redface.gif so ordered last night I will be fitting my own modified retracts an Rcgf 15cc ( crap clone copy )
and the flaps, anyone interested ?

yep  go for it ,been looking at these on  and off for a while 



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For the silent 'watchers',,, The retracts are sorted they will be fitted when the wings are finished and the wheel bays are painted, grey or green ?.

After landing my Twin Saito powered Bristol Beau-fighter with one aileron hanging off I no longer use tissue hinges on petrol or methanol powered planes,

 So after checking that they fit, marked out and the opening sealed with my soldering iron and the pivots of the hinges oiled, and the plastic sanded they are now being epoxied in ( 30 min )

aileron hinges.jpg

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Hi Paul, I have a Seagull models Chipmunk 80" span that has the same flap hinges, they are awful. i used very small tie wraps around mine to stop them spreading, I found the tie wraps slid away from the pivots in flight and one popped out so I put a drop of superglue on the tie wrap and to date they have stayed in place. 

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Knackered after a couple of weeks at over 35°c and 30°c in my garage, precision isn't something that I am worried about,
I cut the engine cowling out and leaving plenty of room for ventilation, and I have started cutting out the false engine, why is it painted black ?,
a sneak view of my old 3D printed Hellcat engine that was shot down by a moving tree ,

Skyraider engine cowling-2048.jpg

Skyraider false engine 1-2048.jpg

Hellcat finished engine-2048.jpg

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