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Spektrum NX transmitter; Setting voice volume on alerts

David Pearce 4

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I've recently purchased an NX8 and, although I'm generally delighted with it, I am having one problem.


I have set up a timer on Timer 1 to count back from 8 minutes and have set the "Timer Event Alerts" menu to "Voice" for "Every Minute Down". This works but the voice is too low a volume to be heard while flying.  I adjusted the volume in the "Voice Volume Menu" for Warnings and Timer to 100 but this makes no difference. Setting up the R knob as a volume control works but it also increases every tone and bleep the TX makes to a level that would make me very unpopular at the flight line!


Does any NX user know how I can increase the volume of the voice without the other tones and bleeps?



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Thanks for that Dennis.

I did realise that I also needed to set the main volume, the one you set by hitting the back button while on the main screen. That appears to over-ride all others. There is a surprising amount of screens you need to go to to inhibit all the other bells and whistles, but now I have managed to set it so I fly with the voice for the timer plus "Motor on/Motor off" for the throttle cut and tone for the trims.


Thanks again.

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