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solar trim alternative

Tony j

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Hi all 

Happy new year to you.

Over the christmas period i have been recovering a model that was long over due to be recovered, but it got me thinking as to what people are now using instead of the solar trim.

I know that solar film alternatives are out there but are there any trim alterantives. I am also aware that there is still solar trim available but its choice is limited in colours so what do you use ?

Kind regards 

Tony J

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I have tried various vinyl trims over the years with varying results. The vinyl sold for car or sign application is generally a lot thicker and heavier and occasionally the adhesive is attacked by our fuel. Solartrim applied wet was by far the best as it was very thin and light and once the adhesive has cured it rarely lifted. 

It's rare nowadays for me to use adhesive trim as I tend to paint on any decoration or insignia needed. I do have a kyosho Majestic that's a bit tired so may experiment with that in the spring.

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