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Veneered foam wings

Rich Griff

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Anyone making veneered foam wings to order, mail order,  these days ?


I could have sworn there was a small box advert for same in the back of rcme ?


Been looking through the mags as far back as 2019. I'm blown if I can find it.


Would anyone know please.


Thanks in advance...



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  • Rich Griff changed the title to Veneered foam wings

It's space, my model room way too small for these sized wings...


Now better weather is here and deck nearly cleared, old shed to empty, new shed to erect and fill, then I will have my 10 X 8 shed free enough of motorcycles so I can use it for what it was purchased for, model room/electronics.


Still got to get a diesel heater for the coming winter.


Anyone want a motorcycle project, tax and mot exempt 250 honda nightmares, both runners, sdm used on road...classics apparently, bit of a cult following, god knows why, superslugs but good fun on back roads...


Pm me if interested...

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