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Condor 120


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I've got (some where in a box) a Condor .120 rotary valve engine, although this is an English made engine there's not a lot of info around, I've found one magazine article on the internet and a few sales listing's on US forums but little else.  Apprechate there weren't many made but does any one have any thing around them, particually looking for the instruction sheet (see pic) as one day woulf like to get it running.


Condor 120 Magazine Review



Condor Engines Ltd.jpg

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I had one years ago  . I bought it at a swap meet for £10 . Huge heavy lump for a 120 and not very powerful compared to OS . The main problem with them was that the rotary valve would carbon up due to burnt castor / varnish and cause ptoblems. Modern syntetic based fuel should help prevent this after a thorough strip and clean. 

I used mine to demonstrated( not running) the size capabilities of an engine test stand I sold at the shows and never flew it. An American at the show , might have been Plumton or an early Wings and Wheels wanted it and just kept upping his offer until I sold it to him . 

Just dont expect too much from it but should be ok in a large vintage model like Majestic Major or similar.

Edited by Engine Doctor
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  • 7 months later...

Cant remember any timing marks on the one I had . But set it to TDC with rotary valve ports set to equivalent of "valves on the rock" ie;  ex just closing inlet just opening and it should be fine. No chance of damaging anything unlike poppet valves that can hit piston if timming is wrong. 

Start engine and if it runs ok with good idle and revs out ok your spot on. If timming is retarded you will get a super slowe idle with very poor or no pick up. If its too advanced then it will like revving but have lityle or no idle. As I said in earlier post dont use castor based fuels in it. The castor will burn onto the rotary valve causing it to stick .

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