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Dornier Merkur

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After the "Westland Lysander" project was completed, I wanted to build another model just from plan.
In contrast to ARF models, this still gives me the most pleasure.My choice fell on a model of the Dornier Merkur.The original was a strutted high-decker that could carry up to seven people.The model has a wingspan of 1720mm and is designed for electric engine with 3S-Lipo and 60A controler.

Building instructions with a parts list were also included to the plan. The model is made entirely of wood and after checking my inventory I was ready to go.

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The wing is made entirely of balsa, except for the root rib. It is also strutted.t. Since the root and end ribs have the same dimensions, a sample rib made of 5mm plywood is sufficient to make all the other ribs.The wing halves are connected with an 8 mm carbon tube and a 5 mm carbon rod.

The construction is supplemented with auxiliary ribs at the front and two auxiliary spars at the rear.


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Since only one half of the wing is drawn, the plan was turned around, rubbed with oil and the other half of the wing was built on top of it, which guarantees congruence.The ailerons are built at the same time and cut out later.All in all, really classic model building as I like it.The tailplane
The horizontal tailplane and vertical stabilizer are also a classic construction made of lightweight balsa and are built directly on the plan; the damping surface of the horizontal tailplane is unplanked, while the rudder is planked on both sides with 1 mm balsa, which makes it torsionally rigid.


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The battery compartment cover with dummy cylinder head cover.

The assembly of this part is somewhat complex.It consists of 16 parts and the reason is the imitation of the front cylinders.All parts are shown in the plan and the assembly requires some thought.4 small magnets hold the unit on the fuselage


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The wing center section.The center section of the wing consists of 5 ribs, which I first attached to the plan with small aluminum brackets and pushed the empty tubes through.The left and right wing halves were then connected to the center section using the carbon tubes and only now were the empty tubes glued in place with epoxy. This was the only way to ensure that the wings would later join without jamming.








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Excellent build 👍 but I hate how some people can be so clean and tidy , No finger marks or blood from cuts on the wood and all tools perfectly placed !!! Only joking and well done on on an excellent build blog and a tidy workshop  . I'll watch the progress.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi and back fom a few days off.

I know model builders who build perfectly. No fingerprints, no blood. They are perfectionists.
Not me, but no lasering either. It's all manual work and really not perfect, but I love it, and the tool is probably German thoroughness.Next week I spent a few days in croatia. My wife was born there.Off course, RCM/E is with me.😇🤑. Weather here is shit.My words are also joking😝

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Bernd, like your build. You should have included some more details, we like to see that. Where did you get your plan ?. I can only find a 1.2 span plan by Sarik!!.

Thanking you in anticipation, many thanks Bas.

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Yes, you're right, I always think that people like to read build reports but then don't build, which is obviously my mistake. So here is some information.

Reference building plan: Verlag für Technik und Handwerk.
Order number: 320.1360-
Engine: N35-4-790 engine from Aeronau Germany
Propeller: 13X6 APC
Lipo: 3S/3000mA
Servos: Rudder and elevator: DS595BBBG from D-Power
Aileron: Master DS 2813


If anyone wants to build the model, I will be happy to answer any questions

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