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DSM Joker Thrust Line Info wanted.

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I am shortening the nose on my Dave Smith Models Joker 60 to get the balance right and I have lost the original instructions. I tried to cut a precise amount from the front but I can't be certain how accurate this is. Is there any info on the engine thrust line on this model or the original Matt design. The only data I can find online is for the Joker 25 which has 1.5° downthrust and 2°sidethrust but it also shows 0.5°wing incidence which I believe should be zero on the 60 size so it may not translate.

Does anyone have this info to hand.





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  • 4 weeks later...

That outerzone plan for the 60 has the thrustline specified as 2 degrees down, while the sidethrust is not specified but the engine mounts appear to have a lot of sidethrust.  Seems about 2.5 degrees measured on the screen.   You could always print out just the engine mount section from Outerzone and measure the sidethrust exactly,  but I suppose it's normal to adjust that to suit the engine if overpowering with a larger engine.     The wing and tailplane are both specified as zero on the 60 plan.

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17 hours ago, Andy Stephenson said:

3° seems like an excessive amount of side-thrust but it depends on the prop pitch and revs.


Given the Joker's era, Matt probably expected to use a 12x12 prop?

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