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Motor RPM

John McClean 1

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The KV, konstant velocity, rating of a BL motor is at no-load, no propeller fitted. When the motor is running with a prop the RPM will be lower. I've seen it at 80% or 75%. Any lower and the motor could be over-loaded. Is there a way of knowing the on-load speed when planning a new set-up ?



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Instant answer is no.

Software as per Shauns suggestion will give a close prediction, E calc and MotoCalc will do similar.

For real term results, a tacho with the exact units in use (motor, battery, ESC & prop) will give an exact answer, but personally I would not get too hung up with RPM.

Watts per lbs is more critical but again, using a set up that gives the desired performance is what is required.

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Being able to predict/plan the rpm as a % of the no-load rpm is useful for aiming for the most efficient or effective use of the power system. Use of a tacho can come later once the system has been created to confirm if you have achieved what you aimed for.

I do use software for that purpose when starting from scratch, or you can look for something similar someone has already done and see how that worked out.



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