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CanDo rebuild

Ron Gray

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Good to see another CanDoo model and interesting to see a number major departures from the standard build. Much larger elevator and ailerons + the addition of rudders although quite how it will knife edge will be interesting to see!


Here's mine



Reminds me of a flying shovel at times!


While I was making mine and intending to make a bit of a speed machine I cam across a couple of builders that had the same idea. Mine does show a tendency to tuck in at speed, but manageable as it does not fly fast, but other than that its been a lot of fun over the years.


Let me know when you head up the field and we can pay tribute to Ian with a Can Doo fly past

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3 hours ago, Cliff Bastow said:

I am on my second one and I love it, flies really slow or very fast! Great fun. I built my first one and was gutted when I stacked it. Bought my second one slightly damaged from BMFA swapmeet for £20 quid with motor and esc and it flies great.

Has yours got the standard control surfaces or enlarged versions + rudder?

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3 hours ago, Chris Walby said:

IIRC and as mine has very small control surfaces I would say less is better as mine is stable until its going fast or some nut is wiggling the sticks!

I was going to ask those who have one about the amount of control surface movement and reflex (on mainplane and foreplane)


37 minutes ago, shepeiro said:

Is that a canard or twin pusher with a really sensitive yaw


enjoying the videos Ron. 

Thanks for that Shep, hopefully I will get to maiden it over the Christmas hols and will video that too.

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Not forgetting my control surfaces have much smaller surface area (standard design) than yours

Elevator maximum 41 degrees

High rates 125% expo 45%

Medium rates 100% expo 45%

Low rates 40% expo 30%


Aileron maximum 25 degrees

High rates 125% expo 40%

Medium rates 100% expo 35%

Low rates 55% expo 30%


IIRC I fly on mid rates, sometimes on high, but I think with a small control surface area and high deflection it can induce turbulence/stalled air flow hence why mine does not like being pushed very hard.


IMO I would go full rates, 60% and 30% initial launch on 60%  just in case its its rather feisty you can switch to low rates!


PS I could not see any reflex on mine.

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Thanks Chris


I’ve got my setup with 3 rate settings for the maiden flight but will have to compare to yours. The fore plane has different curves to the main plane and although coupled to the ailerons they are on a switch so for the maiden the fore plane will only be coupled to the elevators unless I flip the switch. It looks like Ian had main plane reflex mechanically set so I may well set it on the Tx for launch only. I’m planning on using a 3s 1800 mAh for the maiden but will also try it with 4s 1800 mAh.


Looks like the 29th may be a good day for the maiden, unless I can slip out of the house and over to my local field before then!

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I have elevator and aileron rates on one switch, but there is no coupling between them and I run a 3S2200 (lasts a long time).


I also have my prop on a prop-saver as I pulled the motor /bulkhead out of the model a couple of times, but then a gain I am probably running a lower KV motor and much bigger prop (which reminds me the bearings need changing!).


IIRC it takes a circuit or two to get back into the groove as it just flies differently (not good or bad, just different!). compared the traditional wing layout.   


I'll bring mine along on the 29th.

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