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Inside F5J Electric Glider Wing Servo Options

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Just rowing back a bit, I've had another look at the DX6e manual and I think it can do all you want.


This screenshot from the manual suggests that you can have 4 ailerons, 2 flaps, normal tail (rudder/elevator) and assign the motor to an optional switch. That is obviously 7 channels so I'm not sure how that works on a supposedly 6 channel transmitter but that's how it appears in the manual. I'd have to play with a transmitter for myself and see what it does to be sure.




The mixes available give options for camber control using all 6 wing servos for crow braking (flaps down, ailerons up), flap-to-elevator (to compensate for pitch changes when flaps deployed), differential ailerons and different throws on the inner and outer ailerons. You can also do aileron-rudder mixing if required and even make it switchable between flight modes.


I would suggest that you trial it all up on the bench first and see how it works. It could save a big spend on new equipment - unless of course you fancy a shiny new transmitter 😉


NB - use a spare servo in the throttle slot to test motor operation.

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5 hours ago, Jonathan M said:


Konrad, give the guy a break please.  My view is that he's obviously feeling his way into territory with lots that is already new to him (read from the top of the thread) and has enough on his plate without having to get his head around a vastly more complicated radio system.  This can come later if he likes, once he's got more experience.


I spent some years with Spektrum (power, slope and thermal) until I made the switch to OpenTx.  I much prefer it for its almost total flexibility and especially Mike Shellim's templates for soaring, BUT it is a major step up and took me a long time to fully understand and get the basic programming right for my own range of models.  Despite their limitations, the reason why Spektrum or Futaba etc are popular amongst ordinary fliers is because of their relative ease of use.


I've taught several people to fly, on top of a career spent teaching technical skills to adults:  one has to build firm understanding and confidence through practice at every stage from the foundations up.  Throwing advanced stuff into the mix too early on just confuses things and impedes progress.


It seems to me that, if the OP can get away with the 9 channel Spektrum equipment for this model, then his familiarity with the brand will help him make faster progress at this stage.

Johnathan thank you, but I see things differently.


I see that the OP now understands that the DX6e will a the limiting factor in his progression to high performance gliding. ( I think I can take some credit for that).

He is not a rank beginner as he has at least 2 models under his belt.


With only 2 models to my mind, he is not full intrenched in the Spektrum ecosystem. This is the perfect time to move to more flexible and dare I say powerful architecture. After he has spent a lot of time and money on a new Spektum TX and supporting RX's is too late.


He is looking to upgrade, a step that he will be living with for 10 years (well I seem to marry my radios for decades).


I find and my students find Ethos easier to learn than the master/slave architecture of Futaba ,Jr and Spektrum when doing advanced programing. Multi surface gliders need advanced programing. Ethos does have the canned mixes we get with Spektrum and others, it also offers much the power flexibility of OpenTX. Please don't confuse OpenTX with Ethos. 


I find that Ethos and FrSky can be a complicated as anyone wants. But it one reads the documentation it is easier than the other brands. With his aircraft he is already in the deep end of advanced programing. That cat is out of the bag.


Mike Shellim's templates while powerful actually make the set up of gliders super easy, if one actually follows the set up guide! He is also an e-mail away this has helped me twice.


Based on other posts I think he can get 80% out of what the Inside offers with his  current radio the DX6e. So I agree there isn't a great rush to upgrade. Well not until he sees other gliders performing so much better, even with Spektum.


The only handicap I see with Ethos is that there might not be anybody at the field to offer support. But with You Tube that can be remedied.


I asked for feedback on his desition making as he asked me for details as to why I recommended the equipment I did. I think that is fair of both of us.


Happy Holidays,




Lets not forget the mechanic such as top drive or bottom drive, or as I showed override springs to save the flap servos as he learns to land a flapped glider.

Edited by Konrad
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18 hours ago, Nick Cripps said:


I stated 10 channels as Spektrum don't produce a 9 channel receiver so the cheapest option available currently is the AR10100T. There's no benefit to spending more on a AS3X/SAFE receiver such as the AR10360T as you want the glider to respond to air movements to help you identify thermals.


If you choose to y-lead the flaps then you can get away with only 8 channels meaning you could use the cheaper AR8020T receiver.


I will look at the AR10100T, and AR10360T, is there much of a difference inn both price and performance.

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7 hours ago, Nick Cripps said:

Just rowing back a bit, I've had another look at the DX6e manual and I think it can do all you want.


This screenshot from the manual suggests that you can have 4 ailerons, 2 flaps, normal tail (rudder/elevator) and assign the motor to an optional switch. That is obviously 7 channels so I'm not sure how that works on a supposedly 6 channel transmitter but that's how it appears in the manual. I'd have to play with a transmitter for myself and see what it does to be sure.




The mixes available give options for camber control using all 6 wing servos for crow braking (flaps down, ailerons up), flap-to-elevator (to compensate for pitch changes when flaps deployed), differential ailerons and different throws on the inner and outer ailerons. You can also do aileron-rudder mixing if required and even make it switchable between flight modes.


I would suggest that you trial it all up on the bench first and see how it works. It could save a big spend on new equipment - unless of course you fancy a shiny new transmitter 😉


NB - use a spare servo in the throttle slot to test motor operation.


Thank you.


So if it is possible to work with the DX6e and of course save money which would help, has anyone else done the same with 4 aileron and 2 flap, throttle, elevator, rudder? Guess I would have to use Y leads for both flaps and ailerons.


Trial for sure.

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11 hours ago, GrumpyGnome said:

@DG1000M I'm not going to try and dissuade you from staying Spektrum - fine radios. Used to he a Spektrum flier myself, and they're still the most popular sets at my club.  


Can I suggest before pressing the 'buy' button, or even handing over cash in person in a real model shop (I remember that!), you have a look at the Mike Shellim templates and see if the NX8+ will allow you to achieve the same, or similar (looking on various forums, lots of people seem to like what the templates allow). If so, happy days! If not, at least you'll understand what you can and can't do, and whether you feel that's important, before committing. You may well have already done this of course......!


Not in a hurry to press the buy button just yet, want to make sure I'm making the right choice before I buy, but of course welcome any advice given and thank you for this.


With all the posts there is some difference in which the way people think on what is good and which direction to go.


Where can I look at Mike Shellim templates.

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Thank you for all your posts and advice, and welcome them all, if this of course helps in buying a new transmitter, I also have still in it's box, a Dane RC Leprechaun XL with a 4m wingspan, with this in mind, guessing a new transmitter as guessing my DX6e will not be suitable for le for the Leprechaun XL.

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On 19/12/2024 at 18:45, DG1000M said:

The wing is almost complete, and has a wingspan of 3 meters, looking the photo you can see the centre section, both outer sections each side will be glued together then added to the center wing which will be able to detached for ease of transport, center section has flaps, and both outer sections have ailerons, outer and inner ailerons.


Question if I may, what will be the best method for connecting all servos, as the center section has flaps, guess the simple option here is to use a Y extension lead for the servos, but for the ailerons, could I do the same, and what I mean by this is, to connect inner/outer ailerons on the left wing using a Y extension lead, then do the same for the right side inner/outer ailerons, then using another Y extension lead to connect both sides, if not, what are my best options and where to purchase from.


All servos are E Max ES3352 digital servos, I have an Spectrum DX6e transmitter with a AR620 receiver.


Any help will be welcome.


Thank you.




How did you find the build? I've read the English manual and it seems to be for a builder with a few models behind them.

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22 hours ago, PDB said:

How did you find the build? I've read the English manual and it seems to be for a builder with a few models behind them.


Building the wing was simple enough just by viewing all photos and parts, as the wing was being built, was surprised how strong and rigid it was.


TP, Elevator, Rudder, Fin, again was simple enough to build, just by viewing all photos.


Fuselage, a little more reading in the building instructions.

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