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Jets in the mist

Ron Gray

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It's down to the individual to assess the conditions on the day and decide whether it's safe to fly depending on, their experience and the limits of the model/site they intend to use.

I haven't watched the video but the visibility in the picture looks pretty good to me.

At a private club site I've flown helicopters and lightweight 3d planes in far worse than that,  gradually increasing circuit size/ height to feel the limits.

As has been said its supposed to be fun!


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It was only after watching it carefully that I concluded that it was unlikely that any pilot had actually lost sight of his model but a casual observer might well see what was a pretty safe bit of fun as foolhardy. I don’t think my observation about the wisdom of posting the video came over quite as intended…a reaction to the comments it had provoked…had there been concerns over any non-compliant or reckless flying then it wouldn’t have been left up without comment.  In fact, several of us enjoyed formation flying our Arrows Hawks in very similar conditions on the same day. 

I think it’s as well to remember that our Article 16 exemption depends on the CAA having confidence in our responsible operation and compliance with its conditions so I would thoroughly disagree with public statements to the effect that a small transgression should be ignored.  Contrary to some opinions, they are not ogres - for example, a low experience pilot at our club lost sight of his model on a low cloud day and thought that switching to “safe” would be the best course of action!  The model disappeared without trace. He was reminded of his responsibility to report it and a few days later, the club was contacted by the local MP’s wife who had found it in their garden.  The CAA came back with a “thanks - no further concerns” response.  Oh, and the MP was PPS to the Department for Transport at that time…


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16 hours ago, Ron Gray said:

I have now removed the video.


Have a nice 2025.

Sad that you felt the need to do so, Ron, but understandable.  Hope you keep posting and hope to meet at some events later this year. 

Folk harp on about the state of the hobby (no young people coming through), the country and yet when a well intended and good spirited video is shared in the darkest months of the year, we see the use of words like articles, legal, report, compliance, transgressions etc etc blah blah.  


Passion killer or what. 😢 

I think ED’s response summed up matters well. 

If you have nothing nice to say, then …


Now can we get back to all playing with toy aeroplanes (and blondes for Don) together nicely.


(No doubt the forum word police will be along shortly to correct something in my dyslexic rambling at some point too! 🤪)

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18 hours ago, Ron Gray said:

I have now removed the video.


Have a nice 2025.

That is a shame, I enjoyed the video. 
In my rare dealings with the CAA (full sized aviation) they are pragmatic, sensible people. Please don’t waste their time with reports of ‘I lost sight of my model for a couple of seconds, down wind in low cloud’.

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I agree.  I've talked to the CAA on three occasions recently, regarding the new method of obtaining a NOTAM. Normal, sensible people, seemed to be quite pragmatic - and clearly put model fliers like us in a different camp to the geurrilla/YouTube/casual multi-rotor users........

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