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FMS 1700 PA 18 Supercub

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With our Flying field being a bit muddy over the winter period. Thought I needed a good old winter model. I love Cubs  so I invested in the FMS 1700.PA Supercub .This model is fantastic  what a flyer .It has the characteristics of the good old Cub and with the large wheels it will almost take of in a ploughed field. Surprisingly it is quite aerobatic but I am not in to that I just like to fly.it like a cub should be flown .The model is well made ,easy to assembly and fly very slow. I love it .Well done FMS another quality model .I can fully recommend it .I see they do a smaller PA18 at 1300mm. I would suspect that would be a good flyer to and would make a good trainer aircraft 👌👌👍

Edited by Rocker
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I've recently added the 1300mm FMS PA-18 Super Cub to the fleet, taking the place of the Wot-4 Foam-E as a winter hack. I'm impressed so far, very nice to fly, very manoeuvrable, nice big wheels to handle frozen, uneven grass and I've also invested in the floats. I'd hoped to be able to use the floats on water, snow and ice, but the design of the servo operated water rudder is such that it would be destroyed landing on anything other than water of deep snow. Best of all, as a winter hack, the 1300mm version fits in the back of the car, fully rigged. I still have to get the flap-elevator mix fine tuned as these are very effective and result in a big pitch up when deployed. My first attempts were overcompensating, resulting in a very uncomfortable pitch down, so that needs further tweaking.

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3 hours ago, leccyflyer said:

I'd hoped to be able to use the floats on water, snow and ice, but the design of the servo operated water rudder is such that it would be destroyed landing on anything other than water of deep snow. 


If you have not done so already give the rudder assembly a close inspection Leccy. I was flying my FMS SuperEZ on snow with floats last week. I found a recessed grub screw which when removed enabled the bottom portion of the rudder mechanism to be removed. I've not seen the PA-18 floats but it is possible that it has a similar design.

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 14/01/2025 at 14:33, leccyflyer said:

I've recently added the 1300mm FMS PA-18 Super Cub to the fleet, taking the place of the Wot-4 Foam-E as a winter hack. I'm impressed so far, very nice to fly, very manoeuvrable, nice big wheels to handle frozen, uneven grass and I've also invested in the floats. I'd hoped to be able to use the floats on water, snow and ice, but the design of the servo operated water rudder is such that it would be destroyed landing on anything other than water of deep snow. Best of all, as a winter hack, the 1300mm version fits in the back of the car, fully rigged. I still have to get the flap-elevator mix fine tuned as these are very effective and result in a big pitch up when deployed. My first attempts were overcompensating, resulting in a very uncomfortable pitch down, so that needs further tweaking.


Flight times Lecky please ?

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