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How difficult is it to change your flying club name

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1 minute ago, GrumpyGnome said:

No simple answer - depends on your setup..... just a club, an affiliated club, a charity, a company of sorf, any trustees involved.... best bet is phone BMFA if you'te a member

No it is just a small club .No charity or company but we are affiliated to the BMFA

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What does your Constitution say? Either specifically or in regards to a change to the Constitution. Follow that procedure, it will probably be a simple resolution at an OGM or AGM. Think about who else will need to be informed, eg bank, BMFA, landlord, they will probably need a copy of the minutes showing the passing of the resolution.

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I did the same thing 20 years ago.

In my case, it was simply the club "name" didn't suit what we were at the time, so we just started using a new name causally, e.g. on club newsletters, sign on the gate, website etc. Left all the legal/official names as original, because this is where the hard part is. There is no problem with the members calling it one thing, and the insurer/bank etc calling it another. A lot of businesses do exactly that. No need to complicate things for youself for no actual benefit! (you will also find a lot of wives also do a similar thing: Despite taking hubby's name in day to day use, they legally retain their maiden name).

Disclaimer: This wasn't in the the UK.





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Rather like the BMFA - the association operates on behalf of its legal entity, the SMAE.  There's not much on the BMFA website that I can see but I believe the change of operating name was simply to modernise the impression of the organisation in order to increase its appeal.  Dale's suggestion seems to be the easiest and most practical way to operate under the new name.

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So, in essense, as easy or as complicated as you want.


Personally I'd decide on the activities before any vote, so you're prepared for questions. Grandmother, egss, suck.


Again personally, I'd propose doing all the above, not just what is easiest.. but I spent years working in an IT department where we did things "properly, not cheaply".

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Again I would say look to what your Constitution says - that is the document that states how the Club must be run and should govern your actions. If you have adopted the BMFA model Constitution it will state something like:



  1. The club shall be called XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and will be affiliated to the British Model Flying Association.


  1. Alterations to this constitution can only be made at an Annual General Meeting or at a General Meeting called for that purpose. Any Proposed alterations must be submitted to the secretary in writing at least 14 days prior to the meeting.


In which case it is quite clear that to change No 1 you need to do No 3. 


The relationship between the BMFA & SMAE is governed by UK Corporate law & is not applicable here. For those interested it is explained in Section 1.1 of the BMFA Handbook.


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