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Flair Fly-in Day

Event details


At the Banbury Model Flying Club (postcode NN11 3SN). 


Starts at 9am, briefing at 9.45am.


Tickets can be purchased for free on Eventbrite, but please note that there is a limit of 40 places. Go to https://www.eventbrite.co.uk and search for Flair Fly In Day.


It's £10 payable on the day, with an A-certificate needed for flying. BMFA insurance is also required and proof of insurance is needed. Spectators are welcome, there is no charge for them. 


Limited overnight parking for camping vans also available - first come, first served.


Tea and coffee will be available on the day, however packed lunch, chair and flask would be a good idea. Electric, nitro and petrol engines welcome. 


Petrol engines must be suitably baffled/silenced and petrol contained in an appropriate canister.  


Contact Alex Webb at [email protected] 




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