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  1. Leccy's Home For Distressed Aeroplanes opened it's hangar doors again this week to accept a few airframes being retired to free up workshop space by my prolific plan builder pal Jim, so that he can create yet more masterpieces. Dropped in on him yesterday to pick up a spinner for last week's donation and the Flair SE5a that he was moving on, to receive another surprise gift, a lovely 1m span twin pusher Vulcan. I can't wait to get these pre-loved aeroplanes back in the air again and to see what will come out of the new found space in Jim's workshop in the coming months. Here's some piccies that I grabbed of these new to me aeroplanes when Jim was flying them. Avro York, built from blue foam from the Tony Nijhuis free plan and handed on to me last week after here final flights under Jim's care. Avro Vulcan - 39" span ,two wee Turnigy 2212 motors turning twin pusher props. Might try this one on the slope. Flair SE5a , Turnigy D3542 motor, 3s1p 4000mah lipo, 12x6" wood prop - lovely model.
    20 points
  2. A lovely wee Spitfire - 610 Squadron put of Biggin Hill methinks. Maiden flight of my latest Spitfire yesterday - the 1.2m Flightline Spitfire IXc, which I was very pleased with. Photos courtesy of my pal Derek Robertson, including a nice City of Glasgow 602 Squadron composite with Pierre Clostermann in the lead.
    18 points
  3. Here's an extra flying shot from yesterday provided by my pal Derek - featuring the two Warbirds FW190s pictured above - my Black 13 and Murat's White 4 desert version.
    16 points
  4. Slightly off topic, but I am becoming more and more disenchanted with this forum due to the large number of whinging threads. When are people going to accept that everything gets more expensive all the time ? That's how western economies work (and always have done). The question is are prices relative ? I ask this question. If you compare your quality of life with that of your grandparents at your age are you better, or worse off than they were ? Was your grandfather able to afford to go out and buy 5 litres of fuel for his weekends model flying (ok a gallon then) ? Life is too short to spend what little we have left complaining.
    13 points
  5. Just a quick one as i popped in to laser today to sort out one or two bits. First, some have got the wrong idea about the fix needed for the inline engines and a pair of flat twins have appeared for 'fixing'. There is no fix for the FT's as they do not need one. The return/fix is only for the inline engines. Secondly, spares...again, and in particular, valve springs. Stop getting in a flap about valve springs. There is no problem with them, and there will be no problem with availability. MSL just need to phone Stirling Springs (the manufacturer) and say 'oi, we need another bag'. ÂŁ2000 and a few weeks later 500 springs will arrive. I have been informed that someone on the laser facebook page is saying 'i can get you some springs' and offering to fit them to engines.... Unless he raids the factory, no, he cant get you springs. You cannot just use any random spring. If you do it will either fail, or the engine will not run correctly due to the spring not being strong enough, too strong etc. Do not use anything other than the correct springs or your engine will very likely be damaged and if it is, not all spares are going to be readily available to fix it. So if you use bobs random spring and it fails, the valve will drop into the cylinder destroying itself, the piston, and the head. If that happens the engine is finished as heads are not something there will be many spares of and are not something it is easy to just knock up. Equally if bobs spring is too firm it will overload the timing gear and cause premature wear on rockers, pushrods and adjustors, tappets, cams, backplates and crankcase bushings. Things like rockers, crankcases, backplates and cams are very unlikely to be available in quantity as spares. In fact if the spring is really firm it could even cause fatigue failure of the valve at either end, cause fatigue failure of the collet retainer....the list is endless, just use the right parts and dont trust people on the internet who promise the world. Finally, stop being so impatient. Closing down a business that has run since the 60's takes time. The machines are not yet all sold, some are still working, some have moved out, and this has been the focus. With my departure there is no day in day out attention on laser so its taking a while to tie up the loose ends. It might be another year before the final laser engine is actually assembled and efforts are currently being made to actually make the stuff as an engine can be assembled later on the coffee table assuming all the parts are there. It might be annoying that your favourite model is out of action while waiting on a part, but accept that, park the model for a season and fly the wings off it next year. Whinging and bodging will not make things happen any faster and, ultimately, may destroy both the engine and the model its bolted to. Attached are a few photos showing some of the slowly growing spares stock. This will last a good long while as long as people dont totally loose their minds and buy up stuff they dont need.
    13 points
  6. Couple of new model maidens this weekend. Firstly the lovely twin pusher Avro Vulcan, which was a surprise gift from my pal Jim last Monday and which had a couple of very enjoyable flights at the weekend - super stable but still aerobatic and lands like a dream the Vulcan is already a favourite. My pal Steve snapped some piccies of the Vulcan in action, showing the fully predicable dip after a perfect hand launch by Bob and steady climb out, plus the unique camo scheme - she does desert missions at low level, inverted you know.... thanks Steve. 🙂 Then today my Warbirds Replicas FW190 Black 13, which is pictured in other threads - I'll pop up some flying pictures in the coming days.
    12 points
  7. Clubmate Graham Davies was testing his OD P51 Mustang. I am sure he will be posting more details but I got some good shots of it in flight and I am particularly pleased with this one. Titleled "Low Level Beat Up"
    12 points
  8. The well known and respected forum member who goes under the name of J D 8 has agreed to join the moderating team. Please feel free to welcome him in his new role!
    11 points
  9. Waterslides made up and applied, plus a bit of light weathering - coloured pencil dust in grey, brown and black applied with the finger, along the edges of a piece of acetate sheet where needed to simulate grime, streaking back from panel lines, exhaust staining, soot from the machine guns and a bit of thrown mud from the dummy wheels. Then all given a blow over with satin finish WBPU to fix those in place. I prefer just the lightest of weathering, just to accentuate certain panel lines. I haven't represented any worn paint, but may choose to do so after she's flown. Got to love those German labels - Nur Heir Betreten - Don't be Treading Here! All of out excuses to delay flying the model now bar the weather - on and haven't attempted to balance the model yet, until all the painting and spraying was completed.
    11 points
  10. In God's own county, an evening of slope soaring with Jolly Roger offered a breathtaking blend of adventure and serenity. The final launch into the setting sun was nothing short of magical, casting long shadows across the landscape and illuminating the path for a cross-country journey back home. The tranquility of the dusk, combined with the exhilaration of flight, created an unforgettable experience, leaving a lasting impression of nature's splendor and the thrill of soaring.
    10 points
  11. A few more shots of the big Schwalbe from this year's PSS Fest on the Lleyn Peninsula. Still flying great, now has more decals, weathering, pilot etc.
    10 points
  12. Forecast not the best today and a road closure made for a two hour trip to the field, rather than the usual 90 minutes - all of which was undertaken in drizzle, mizzle and shizzle. Ceiling probably 150-200 feet. However, having made the trip it would have been rude not to fly and in the end had an enjoyable day, flying a few warbirds and finally having a successful maiden flight of my Flightline Spitfire, which went away good as gold and hardly tipped up at all on landing. Visibility did improve slightly, before dropping off again, but stayed bright enough for Derek to capture some images of the Spitfire maiden.
    10 points
  13. The first assembly: It's getting close. I still have the exhausts to fit and I am going to try a bit of weathering with this one. More later...
    9 points
  14. Interesting story. A guy built this 40 plus years ago (Kit and engine was purchased in 1981. He built it, but never got flying also had a early Sanwa radio set. It was flown last weekend at Don Valley, the guy just wanted to see it fly, and decided that it needs to be passed on. I bought it and removed the radio gear - which he took back (It actually still was ok - new batteries and pass range test ok, just shows) Going to put new servos in - which I have and 2.4 or course. Only thing that wasn't finished off was a pilots scarf (which was in the box) and the water slid decals had not been applied - to my amazement they didn't crack and went on well with warm soapy water (fuel proof to be done...)
    9 points
  15. Hi Folks. Nearly forgot the machine guns I was going to do on the battery hatch 🙂. Just a quick job. Choose a bit of passing doweling and roll a blade around, cutting about a quarter of the way in. Then roughly chip carve the muzzle shape down to your cut. I then mounted the bit of dowel into a cordless and use an nail file to smooth whilst spinning in the drill. Lastly, a quick drill on the end to hollow it out a bit. There, Bobs your auntie! Quick and easy and look ok on the battery hatch. I will definitely get around to weathering next! Cheers, Simon
    9 points
  16. I once took a stuffed dog to the Antiques Roadshow. The chap was clearly impressed and said, “This is very rare indeed, do you have any idea what it would fetch if it was in good condition?” I replied, “Dunno, sticks I suppose?”
    9 points
  17. A little more progress - pulled a new observers cupola which came out nicely so happy to use it. Still working on the cockpit canopy plug but hopefully making progress with that as well.. anyway - I cut out the observers area and glued the figure in place with a machine gun - the barrel is removable to stop hanger rash! Then I glued the cupola on (sat for 40 minutes holding it in place while the glue set! 🤦‍♂️🤣) and started on panel lines and rivets as per Richard’s technique on the warbird replicas models.. once done I’ll try some weathering with some chalks to muck it up a bit! Got to say - panel lines and riveting didn’t take that long and the effect they give is quite impressive!
    9 points
  18. Some flying shots of Black 13's maiden flight yesterday, expertly captured by my pal Derek Robertson. Thanks Derek!
    9 points
  19. Thank you for that summary Brian . It is very kind of you to say so . It has been a big episode and I have to admit , two designs in quick succession has been quite a grind . However , I have really enjoyed seeing the models come together in all of their various colour schemes . I am impressed with how everyone , from seasoned old hands , right through to our excellent (and trusting !) newbies have coped with the kits , which are essentially "first production run models " . It is fabulous how we have all jumped to the rescue if a chap stumbles, with helpful and well meaning suggestions . As we said at the beginning of this thread , if we want more kits in the future , it is no good going to the shed with your own stash of balsa and old kits and pulling the ladder up . I get a big kick out of seeing you all succeed with my designs . I make them to fly and consequently use my prototypes every week, because they are fun . There are problems to face in the future . Balsa is very expensive now , so I will try design around that issue , but on the other hand if we all buy and build only one model a year , is that expensive ? Given the time we spend building and flying our creation probably amounts to a couple of pence per hour and of course , what value do you put on those moments after a great flight , when somebody says "where did you get that mate ?" "I flippen made it !" Buy second hand foamies and enjoy them, but like someone else's children or dog , you will never love them like your own . What value can you put on that ?
    9 points
  20. Going back to this seminal thread -for a reason I'll explain later - I struggled to find one post that properly summarised and outlined the path that this project has taken, but I think this post of Richard's does a decent job. The basic background for the project is explained and the aims laid out. I think that, based on what I've seen in the resultant build threads, in videos, in pictures, in my own model and others that the project has been a spectacular success and achieved all of what was desired for it. For me personally the only minor disappointment was in not completing and having my own aeroplanes ready for the 80thh Anniversary of D-Day. That was my own fault for diverting my attention onto other ongoing projects. It's ameliorated a bit by the weather being so dreadful that I didn't even manage my usual annual D-Day black and white stripy aeroplane flying. Now to the reason that prompted me looking back over the thread. An ad just popped up on my FB feed for a very rarely offered for sale second hand 1.5m E-Flite FW190 and I'll be putting the link to that on the recent Wanted thread for such a model. However, looking at the pictures, as the owner of quite a few nice foamie warbirds, and likely to have some more at some time in the future, I was struck by the comparison with the superb practical models that I've seen completed from Richard's kits. https://www.facebook.com/commerce/listing/2785617814931303/?media_id=0&ref=share_attachment Nine months ago I would have been tempted by the EFlite offering - ÂŁ300 is a reasonable saving on the new price of ÂŁ500+, but still a chunk of cash for a foamie. Today? Having seen the job that my fellow modellers have made of their Butcher Birds? Not a chance. The EFlite offering doesn't come anywhere close. I'm even thinking the pictures must be a bit distorted - the proportions look more like my profile depron Fatty Me109. I'd call that mission accomplished.
    9 points
  21. We had a 'bit of an Evening Do' last Friday which also saw the latest round of the Wacky Warbirds Carnage comp. About 20 members turned up for a beautiful evening, going into night, flying session which finished at about 10:30 pm. BBQ in full swing, note the pinky tipped Thunderbob in the foreground. Wacky Warbirds pilots line up before the carnage The mass launch for the Viagra Challenge The aftermath The Hot Glue Repair Station was busy Even non Wacky Warbirds suffered
    9 points
  22. Wind was forecast to drop off early evening and they were spot on today, a nice gentle breeze to maiden my 1/4 scale GeeBee Model Y Sportster, powered by an NGH 38 Four stroke petrol engine which i am still running in. I got a couple of 7 minute flights in and the engine ran without missing a beat, it flies like a big aerobatic trainer, very pleased having finally got it in the air. Hopefully more flights next week, i will put another hour of flying on it before fitting the cowl and spats.
    9 points
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