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leccyflyer last won the day on July 16

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  1. The scary thing is that I have models of 13 out of the twenty aeroplanes in the quiz. The only tricky one was #17, not all that well up on Russian fighters. Have you not seen my #14 Richard?
  2. I'm a massive fan of aviation artist and publisher Mark Postlethwaite, have some of his beautiful prints mounted and displayed at home, plus having bought quite a few of his excellent reference monographs on various aeroplanes and aviation history topics. I also subscribe to his Wingleader Films You Tube channel, which always has very interesting military aviation videos on show. Recently he's taken to posting various short quizzes. The latest one being on WWII Fighter recognition. If you're a warbird fan I expect nothing less than 20/20 as a result, but even if you're not, you should manage a respectable score.
  3. Pity Disney didn't follow that before making the horrible cartoon Pinocchio.. Agree with your reasoning though. Whilst the proportions of the Dora are actually better for a model aeroplane, they definitely are not as popular.
  4. That also crossed my mind, which is another reason for waiting to hear back from the OP.
  5. Interesting - have never been a huge fan of the Dora over the Anton, but I do have a yearning to do that marvellous JV44 red with white stripes undersides scheme, with the bonus of another aeroplane with a 13 on it's side. In the highly unlikely event I ever get my finger out and finish my Mick Reeves FW190D, which has been sitting on the shelf for coming up to 30 years, that's the scheme I'd go for.
  6. As JD8 suggests, it might be prudent to wait for some feedback from the OP before getting too deeply into this. There are certain clarifications that are needed before it's possible to advise fully on the original questions asked.
  7. Aye - I've spent the last few days changing that Voice "Timer Start-Timer Stop" annoyance to a Tone - can only bear to go through all the button pressing 5-10 models at a time, but the end is in sight.
  8. If you have multiple transmitters, but want to retain the same basic switch configuration then, yes, you might end up with three rate settings vs two, when using the same switch position. On the old DX7 the rate switches were labelled as such and are two position switches - high rates and low rates, The same switch locations on the later DX9 are occupied by three position switches. In actuality I find the mid and low rates to be most useful and have custom voice alerts to state the position if the switches are moved. It makes the preflight checks a simple routine for me. Doesn't stop me from forgetting to change the elevator rates for landing though, so I'm looking into whether to set up some flight modes as well. Consistency is vital though - you don't want a switch doing different things on different models if you can help it.
  9. Messerschmitt 110 isn't too different than a Ju88 - Richard's thinking of doing a short run of those.
  10. Looking brilliant there Chris - a real inspiration.👍 With the WR FW190 finished and successfully flown, having done a few minor repairs and a wee bit of fettling of recently donated aeroplanes to get them back in the air, it was back on with the Flair Beaufighter today. I'd left it at the stage of being ready for primer, but since I pulled out my ancient Pilot kits Zero and seeing the lovely panel lines again, I've introduced an extra step pre-primer, which I hope can replicate those panels. That involved spending the day putting thinline tape on the fuselage to mark the panel line locations. These are 1.5mm wide self adhesive tapes and working from a Revell 1/32nd scale Beaufighter I've put those on the fuselage so far - moving onto the wing tomorrow. Once applied there are some thicker duct tape dummy ribs to be added to the control surfaces, which I'll then cover with tissue, over the laminating film. Once all that is done I'll give the Beau a spray with auto primer, which should leave the impression of panel lines when the tape is removed.
  11. Didn't get that email today, but got a different one, which seems to be targeted at UAS operators and will require some looking at. There's an online survey and responses have to be in by 6 September . I guess BMFA will issue their recommended response in due course. https://consultations.caa.co.uk/policy-development/uk-s-proposals-for-specific-operations-risk-assess/?mc_cid=4dbf82ef49&mc_eid=9d9210c029
  12. Thanks for the clarification Richard. I'm still in for a Bf110, if the numbers make it viable. I have a scratch build blue foam and balsa one at 57" span and a Flair kit on the shelf, but a nice six foot span Zerstorer would tick a lot of boxes. I'll figure something out for the retracts if they aren't part of the short run.
  13. Really sorry to read of your frustrations and concerns Matty, it's been a shocking time for you and can only hope that things start to look better and that you can take the time to make a full recovery. Hang in in there fella and best of luck.
  14. Gorgeous 😎 IMO the P-51B looks so much nicer than the bubble canopied P-51D - the same goes for the Razorback P-47 and any Spitfire over the Mk 24 with the bubble canopy.
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