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Albert Ace

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  1. Thanks. I was going to use Valspar enamel and then fuel proof. Do I need to dope the Diacov, I always doped Solartex before painting.? Albert
  2. Not got enough time to build the big one: Next build is the 53 inch version. Glow powered, but what alternative to my normal dope and nylon covering. ?? Is Diacov good or ??? And what to paint it with ? Albert
  3. Sorry chaps, I know it's not relevant, apart from BMFA. I'm studying for my B: where can I find what questions are likely to be asjed. And, is it cirrect, that I can fly models up to 25 kilos.?. Also; membership of aunty Burma is cheap as chips. Albert
  4. Is there any spare kits left ?? Albert
  5. Richard. I am looking for retracts to suit a Tony Nijhuis Hurricane. Electric version, 60 inch. Sorry, don't know how to PM. Albert
  6. What other retracts does Richard sell, and where can I find them please ?? Albert
  7. Sorry about the dots. Done something on this ipad. Dunno what.
  8. My first build, RC, 1976. Horizon Radio, Enya 35bb. Built another in 2016, forty years on. Futaba radio, ASP 36. Love them. Albert
  9. Sorry. Could you describe a 'boxer" for me please ?? Albert
  10. Exactly. Why, are your engines that special ??
  11. Grumpy, just curious. Been using Nimhs forever, and I'm the club 'you're not charging that right' moaner. A lot of people fast charge Nimhs, usually in 1 to 2 hours. I always use standard wall charger and leave 6 to 10 hours, depending on use. Like I said, just curious. Albert
  12. Thanks all. Going for a Ubec, probably.
  13. As a Futaba 14sg user: is there a higher powered Reciever available. Or is there some other alternative to using Nimhs for my Glo powered models ?? Albert
  14. Give me details, condition and price on the Enya 90 please. Albert
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