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Paul Marsh

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Paul Marsh last won the day on December 2 2023

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  1. A 4 turboprop airliner of 30 ft span would cost over £100,000! Time, money and registration as you just can't build a model that big and fly it -if you ever did, you would get fined (this has actually happened) and possible go to prison as it's basically a aircraft. Contact the LMA as they are the body for large models and offer consultation schemes when designing, building and flying those types.
  2. Shame As I've got the OS Sirius and thought about buying another radial, such as the 400. The OS runs well and starts and runs...
  3. Ryan STA. Bought from Ashbourne fly in for £40. Just needed engine and rx. Also has new eneloop pack in it. bargain. SC 91FS
  4. Mini Vintage finished. OS 10FP engine, but also can use a 15FP if underpowered.
  5. Panic. bought for £1 as was being chucked out. MFA Panther 61 engine in it and FR SKY Archer receiver.
  6. I bought a set from Ali Express, as well as the missing struts an spinner. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32408824646.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.11.21ef1802Qzp1kz
  7. Typically 5 years of 300 cycles, depending on load and strain. Why I wouldn't buy a electric car - with it's lifespan. I have some LIPO batteries about 15 years old, the old eflite ones, and still ok, though only 10c, ok for low power, but most older batteries I had although perfectly balanced charge (most of them) and stable just don't have the power they once had. These batteries I use now for field charging of rx packs and LED lights in the awning as they still have the capacity, just no load power.
  8. I've got that delta built it 20 plus years ago. Has 25FP in it. Also have a AP09 might build one to fit..
  9. I knew Dave Ridgway from Stoke back then and have 2 of his other models he built as well...
  10. New ones. Mainly small, the delta just finished off and building the micro one as well for Cox .20 engine.
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