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Paul Marsh

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Paul Marsh last won the day on December 2 2023

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  1. The SC's were always bit more expensive than the ASP's, don't know why,but they were. Someone mentioned that he heard a few ASP crank pins snapped off than SC. Bought a broken ASP engine last weekend - with a broken crank pin, replaced it with a scrap SC crankshaft. SC crankshaft on right, ASP (broken one) on the left.
  2. Interesting story. A guy built this 40 plus years ago (Kit and engine was purchased in 1981. He built it, but never got flying also had a early Sanwa radio set. It was flown last weekend at Don Valley, the guy just wanted to see it fly, and decided that it needs to be passed on. I bought it and removed the radio gear - which he took back (It actually still was ok - new batteries and pass range test ok, just shows) Going to put new servos in - which I have and 2.4 or course. Only thing that wasn't finished off was a pilots scarf (which was in the box) and the water slid decals had not been applied - to my amazement they didn't crack and went on well with warm soapy water (fuel proof to be done...)
  3. The company who made SC/ASP/Magnum and some West 4 stroke engines all were made by Sanye Precision Machinery Co, sadly no more.
  4. If using a petrol engine DO NOT use Karbonite gears - even says not to as the resonance from the engine can shatter the gears. A digital metal gear servo is ideal...
  5. WXE engines? The seller doesn't know, though as he reckons a re-badged SC (Sanye) model.
  6. Luckily I've got loads of engines and more than enough for my lifetime, and there a loads out there still ok, so even though 99% of model engines aren't made anymore, still can get them at least for a while. OS, Saito are the last main 2 of glow engines, now, OS only do a fraction of the range, but still.
  7. I've got loads of Mutunuc 61 and 65,s but until now not a .46. Seemed the 40 and 46 were only available in USA. this one was for sale here, brand new, so I got it.
  8. I'll use a 2700 4s, so no lead is required and useful weight, probably 1 min of extra flight.
  9. Radio Modeler Gigolo by Dave Ridgeway (who I used to know and the actual model he built for the magazine) .
  10. never heard of a OS46FXi. different like half way between a FX and a LA.
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