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  1. Past hour
  2. I have and use 2 of the ISDT FD 200 dischargers and a 5 amp discharge on a 500 mah pack is fine, (Which is a 10C which is probably a lot less than the motor would be using,)
  3. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552850339024 he's very active on his facebook page.
  4. Today
  5. The book ""Valkyrie the North American XB-70 by Graham M Simons, pub Pen & sword aviation, isbn 184884546-4, on page 141 has a picture immediately prior to the demise 62-0207, has an under surface picture in flight. It shows aa series of what appears to be holes prior to the engines. Super Cruise equipment is not directly mentioned, as on Concord, I guess it was perceived as a bit of an area of secrecy. Indirectly discussing the system, mainly from the perspective, is it visible. Air was slowed from Mach 3 to I by a series of adjustable internal ramps, plus exhaust doors in the upper surface of the wing immediately Infront of the Engines (to avoid using after-burners, all of the time). Discussed P86-87 amongst other. There seems a number of excuses to have cheat inlets, and still be semi-scale.
  6. It was sunny and warm, only two of us turned up. We had to take our coats off, windier today and cooler, 3 flyers only, I did spend 4hours there.
  7. Hello Brian Thanks for your concern, I did some experimenting before I glued the support in place as I thought the same as you but they work fine. I’m not using clevises, the “zed” bend fits tightly up to the end of the snake inner giving maximum length. All the adjustment will be done from the control horn end. In the photo the servos are at maximum rotation needed to get the recommended control surface throws. The snakes are spaced so they are in line with the servo arm holes so at maximum rotation there is no lateral deflection of the exposed snake inner at its longest and importantly at its shortest. When the snakes are connected I’ll push the snake outers back into the plywood support, every little helps! Grahame
  8. Can some tell me what they know about the drone I put up here please?
  9. id? Operator or flyer or both? I think I only nedd an Op id. I have been to the BMFA but there is no way of getting it on there. No link here https://bmfa.justgo.com/Workbench/Home
  10. If your drone has a camera you need an id whatever the weight.
  11. I mentioned in the opening post I was querying about an ISDT FD 200 which is a dedicate discharger as opposed to a charger and the query was mainly relating to that, it allows you to choose if it's 2s / 3s etc. and you to set the discharge amps but the lowest setting is 5 amps.
  12. Looks great Eric against the blue sky. Take it the temperature was not Baltic where you are! 😄
  13. These foamies never normally appear in my local branch so I was surprised to see this for about 40 quid. It includes radio presumably on 2.4 and it reckons to have about 600m range and flies at 35MPH.
  14. So if my drone is under 250, I don't need a CAA ID only an operator ID which is yearly £11.13. What I would like to do is start off with something simple. The one I have in mind is from Amazon £42.99. It is only 120g. What I need from this is to take videos of fields that are going to be built on. A vido library. I doubt that wold be flying any higher than 150ft. Will this one allow me to take videos of the area? How is this stored? On a memory stick on the drone or in the handset. This is the reason for wanting it in the first place. So your comments would help. https://www.amazon.co.uk/4DRC-Beginners-Foldable-Quarcopter-Batteries/dp/B09KM68ZW1/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?crid=1CCOLTQYECBRT&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.nlhj2HMC8RfDXqi4LrrQOSJ9URIQG-1qLRF2_rAiGlMZ9ATPCTmJPim1eX2w2NmV5A1A0Jt7APlYx5CSrmApYtreT4KMCq0J9NScDGoRfLUc0pznALh4hX7ZlN42MLJISnho5L87IwYQgxaS9ZTffHvrS9pmGlOqGIJSxWRfsRCaRERG9yw4ruspWrdBZvQ4hQOTf1gOUrZyejn_3qdCe1sMR4uuTA20Kd2P_dmbWmUQ59zJJg9wdRT0C95aCGPRYklWDsIYZKOWp4U2ZGTMq_42GTVNUI5YIiR9gjXpjwM.MqWDdBe8Dvy0pj4nByofYlpT1Ilmvt1r9z5UQJFvbAU&dib_tag=se&keywords=camera+drones&qid=1737032083&sprefix=camera+drones%2Caps%2C74&sr=8-3-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1 CONFLICT The pdf manual states on page 4 … less than 250g / not a toy / with camera does not require a flyer id. Page 5 bottom of last paragraph states You’ll still be able to fly as long as you have a flyer ID.
  15. You don't need a Flyer ID if the drone is under 250 grams, but it recommended that you get one
  16. Spoke too soon because on offering up the engine it looks like there is three and a half degrees of right offset. I was aiming for 2 degrees or two and a half degrees at the most. The firewall is not yet glued so I will shim it to reduce the offset. Steve
  17. Thanks everyone for your views and input. All very interesting and constructive. i am leaning in the direction of fitting full depth ply bracing, that does seem a good option and plenty of strength added to centre section, as well as doubling up rear brace. But still mulling over balsa or spruce spars, but spruce does offer alittle more crash resistance and easier repair! Well that’s what I’m lead to believe!
  18. There is no test for an Operators ID, you just pay the fee. There is an on-line test for a Flyer ID, but there is no charge for this. You need both Operator and Flyer IDs. As a BMFA member I suggest you read this page which also includes a link to the BMFA on-line test (the RCC) which you can use to get your Flyer ID. https://rcc.bmfa.uk/caa-ids Dick
  19. I have just paid my £49 to the BMFA so I am ready to sit for the CAA Operators ID. I will ned some training manual to get ready for this. I did not pay the £11.13 with the BMFA as of yet. I paid for the Drone one as it was drones that I would be using.
  20. So I finally chickened out of building a Lion field pack in favour of buying a 50Ah 12v Lifepo4 battery, due to be delivered today. Before buying a suitable charger from the same company, I thought I would try out the chargers I already have, namely a ToolkitRC charger which has a setting for charging LiFe batteries (set the cell count for voltage) or alternatively, I have CTEK MXS 5.0 car battery charger which charges at 14.4v and then float charges at 13.6v. Any thoughts, advice or experience on charging this type of battery, and whether I should use a purpose built lifepo4 charger or something such as I’ve mentioned above ?
  21. Money talks. The CAA's own figures put registrations at over half a million and at over eleven quid a pop that's not small change into their coffers. A nice little regular earner for not a lot of effort or investment from them, and an on-going revenue stream that'll become even more lucrative for them as time goes by. Not something that they'll want to see compromised even in the face of evidence that will, given time, show the ineffectiveness of the registration scheme for recreational users. Moreover, it's anyone's guess as to how many sales there have been in total and are 'off the radar' so to speak. Something like 6000 drone incidents are reported to police annually with very few actually resulting in a 'collar being felt' let alone a prosecution other than for a few very high profile recent cases. Increasing incidents of 'drone deliveries' to prisons are noted. https://www.protectuk.police.uk/threat-risk/threat-analysis/threat-drones-uk Just some food for thought when you cough up your next operator ID fee and perhaps believe it's making an actual positive difference to the safety of the public. We as model flyers do as we are required to do though, despite its questionable worth.
  22. Hi. It's been a while since I looked into getting a licence. I beleive I have to join a club first? If that is correct, then I will join the BMFA now. What next. I apply for an exam? how much is the fee and where will I get documents to read up on. I am planning to get a good drone with a camera. The field near me is being dug up to develop property on it. I would like to make a detailed log of the development of this site for hystorical records. I don't know how much a good drone would be or if it is more than 250g. It seems being a member of BMFA is more benificial. Thanks.
  23. Erfolg I wouldn't disagree for a minute that a short duct has less losses than a long one which incidentally is why my VTO V-2 rocket has in effect a virtual 360 degree cheat hole and as close as possible to the ducted fan to ensure the maximum possible thrust from the power available. To me it comes down to what constitutes an acceptable variation from scale appearance and the best way to achieve it. Cheat holes are a last resort. I would suggest the HK Vampire is an example of a rather visible non scale appearance to incorporate a big EDF but as it is on version 3 it must sell well. There is some progressing on the XF108 The inner lower wing skin. The completed wing will be an all foam structure that hopefully will get way with no reinforcement as was the case on my the rather bigger XB70. That is strong enough to do a "very non scale" loop and roll. 😮
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