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About Outrunner

  • Birthday 16/05/1959

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  1. My results were emailed to me after the test together with a link to my certificate. Much to my suprise I passed with 35 out of 40 correct answers. It was so irritating with so many drone orientated questions when I have absolutely no desire to fly a drone. I was pleased to pass though, still life in the old dog!
  2. Trouble is the shower of sparks and steel dust get attracted to the magnets 😮
  3. Sorry if I upset you Matty but I was just being upbeat. It's really good news that you've been flying again and you do look rightly very happy in your photo.
  4. Great news Matty, you look a happy bunny with your model there! Keep on running!
  5. No telemetry involved. You plug a servo into the receiver and adjust the transmitter output until the servo just stops responding in both + and - ranges. Not a good explanation but looks it up on YouTube.
  6. All too frequent on here unfortunately. Could the mods not vet a new members first couple of posts before they are allowed on the forum? It only takes a quick glance to tell if it's spam or not.
  7. I knew you would talk sense, eventually 😂
  8. The soldering on that Rx looks poor, the pins don't look very well soldered in. If it was mine I would either bin it or put it in my boat. I wouldn't risk it in a aeroplane. Good news that you've got it to bind.
  9. Nope, use same radio as any other model. It's still an aeroplane whatever it's powered by. If you get into bigger, heavier turbine or EDF jets you might want more redundancy and more powerful servos but essentially the same radio.
  10. I think you guys might be talking to a bot that posted at 04:45 BST yesterday morning and has not responded to your help and advice. Hopefully I'm wrong.....
  11. I launch my DB Elf16 underarm, it's had loads of flights and my fingers are still intact.
  12. I'm using the Lemon 7 and 10ch receivers and I'm very impressed. I usually only switch the gyro in for landing but even if left switched on they are very unobtrusive. They can be a bit fiddly to setup but the downloadable instructions are very clear.
  13. Should fly nicely Toto, I've got the Glastar, the smaller version of the Tasman. It's my all weather flyer and it gets flown on really windy days. I do have a rate gyro fitted but I only switch it in for landing when it's blowing a hooley. I don't often fly ARTFs but I do like a foamy for flying in rough weather as they tend to bounce in a hard landing and easy to repair although thankfully no repairs have been needed, yet. Enjoy.
  14. Have you tried a servo in the throttle port?
  15. A friend of mine is blind, she often has problems getting around vehicles parked on the footpath both with her guide dog and white stick. Often cars park blocking footpaths so people in wheelchairs or pushing prams are forced onto a road. If you can't park on the road without blocking it, park somewhere else. I understand this is not an ideal world and sometimes you have to park on the pavement but I wish drivers would give more consideration to pedestrians. Perhaps we could have a driver aid that gives parking advice!
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