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Engine Doctor

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Engine Doctor last won the day on March 21 2022

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  1. The incidence angle on vintage plans is often for free flight and generally needs reducing for rc flying unless your ok with holding in down elevator when flying at anything faster than a glide.
  2. If your going to have to reset the nuts just go for M5 . The course threaded bokt seem to be uused on loads of artf stuff probably a english thread for the American market.
  3. I have no faith in the police ability or intension of tackling thefts of any sort. Some years ago I had a BMW 635 CSI . One night the front and rear screens were stolen. Yes they were etched with number . Yes it had an alarm but the theives kept triggering it until at around 2am I turned it off thinking there was a fault. Anyway police were informed and then a specialst unit who dealt with high end car crime contacted me saying they would investigate. In the meantime a mate of mine noticed a similar car in the next village having work done on a driveway. He looked and the screen had my registration etched on it. The local police were informed and did absolutely nothing ! When I qustioned why they said they had passed it onto the specialist unit who inturn did nothing. Bloody useless. So look after yourselves and be lucky.
  4. A few points to check . 1, The "O" that seals the carb to the inlet manifold is often overlooked and can leak air causing poor running 2, The inlet to head flange. Some Ive had have a gasket fitted while others are a machined surface jiont. If a gasket has been fitted and over tightened this can cause a air leak causing poor running 3, Needle valve, early examples had the thinner needlvalve with very fin thread and no "o" ring these often b3nefit from a tight fitting piece of fuel tubing over the threaded section to seal against air leaks. Later model still with air bleed carb had the thicker type NV that had an "O" ring fitted and this should be tightish fit. If when running any fuel leaks out , air can get in. 4, Check that NV will shut off fuel when fully screwed in. Check with a lenth of fuel tubing and blow down until air stops. Replacenent needles can look similar but have different ends on them. If it shuts off ok then set it at 2 1/2 turns out to start with and adjust accordingly. 5, When you get it running and nice and hot compression should improve as it sounds like it had a gummed piston ring. Comp will never be as good as a ABC type set up but a resistance should be felt over compression . If compression still fels low then it may need stripping and the ring groove cleaning or the ring replaceing. Also check valves are seating by turning over and listening to the exhaust and inlit , with throttle fully open an listening for air leaks. 6, if you suspect that timing has been messed with then it very simple to check. Remover cam cover, two screws on side of engine. Turn engine to TDC between compresion and look at the rnd of the camshaft you should see a small dot marked on the cam wheel. This should be inline with the centre of the csm follwer above it. Make sure it has a FS glow plug and good fuel . 12 x 6 prop is too big for a 48 try an 11 x 5 or 6 Hope you get it sorted and keep the engine alive .
  5. Extra strong velcro pads are available at little cost and ideal for this. Designed for holdind car mats in place they are sttonger than nornal velcro. Have look on Ali Express or Ebay. Of course you could also use magnets as some very strong magnets available . Rapid RC has loads in stock.
  6. Doesnt really matter paul. I dont want any drones flying around my property possibly casing it ! Nothing to do with paranoia its called reality .
  7. Its not a bodge but head shims are to compensate for different fuel mixes.
  8. Story going around at the time was that the designer of the FP 40 left OS and went to Magnum hence the clone ? who knows but it sounded good at the time . I found the Magnum parts were half the price and of better quality than the OS and as you say 100% interchangeable . As Jeff says the FP were beter quality than the LA,
  9. For the "Oily hand society" The FP engines and their clone the Magnum 40 GP wich is equally as good , convert very well to diesel and can swing much bigger props. The small diameter carb give good fuel suction and throttles well as a diesel.
  10. Lining the interior with rebar mesh welded on would make it more difficult get into . Yes it can be cut but is more difficult than the thin sheet metal currently used on containers and also will leave sharp spikes for the low life to negotiate. Might be worth checking if BMFA insurance covers us incase the thieves hurt themselves and counter claim ! I say this with tonge in cheek but the world has gone mad.😶
  11. I only ever use the bslance charge once in a while or if i notice cells out of balance. Individual cell voltages can be checked while charging . Normal charged used nearly all the time. If cells keep going out of balance then check IR of the cells . My Imax charger also has a fast charge option but never used it .0
  12. Hi Bert .Just Engines website states a different piston is required for rear exhaust. If its running ok then it must have correct piston
  13. An onboard glow will help the pick up when throttle is opened. Set to only come on at half throttle and lower. As engines and glow plugs cool when on low throttle any sudden opening of throttle will send a load of cold fuel mix up to th plug and cool it even more. A fourstroke plug might help provided it doesnt advance timing too much. Get the idle to a speed where engine is happy . Dont worry what tacho says.
  14. A friend has one and swears by it .
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