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About Hoochykins

  • Birthday 27/12/1988

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  1. I'll go with 25-28, let me know if it flies off then I will know I need to adjust 😄
  2. Thanks, so the gist from it is change the minimum system values for RSSI signal alarms to 20 - 23 from the default 42 - 45.
  3. Thanks Kim. The link you have sent is link to the PDF on your computer so won't work. If you wanted to add a PDF or similar use the 'choose files...' button at the bottom of the reply. I think I have found what you were linking to, I have attached it. If it's not then it has answered my question 🙂 Telemetry with the Lemon Rx 7- and 10-Channel Receivers R1.1 (2).pdf Annex 😄 Understanding RSSI The Lemon RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) number is sent back from the model by telemetry and displayed in the “A” field on the transmitter screen, as shown in the photo of a Spektrum DX8e screen. RSSI represents the strength of the radio signal available from the receiver front end for control of the model. It should read close to 100 when the transmitter is next to the model and drop with distance until, at a value typically around 20-30, the telemetry signal is no longer strong enough to convey the data and the display freezes. As the receiver has excellent sensitivity, reliable control will continue well beyond this point. The vertical bar symbol in the top left of the photo shows that telemetry is live and being received. In this case the bars are at zero and indicate that the telemetry signal is soon to be lost. Compare with the full-strength Telemetry signal bars in the pictures on page 7. Depending on the transmitter and software the number of bars may give an indication of the telemetry signal strength. Changes in the RSSI reading can be conveniently explored with the transmitter in Range Test mode. Note that putting a Spektrum transmitter into Range Test mode attenuates output power enough to reduce range by a factor of about 30.14 Thus effective control at 35m (115 feet) in Range Test mode (which should be easily attained) should translate to about 1 km (3600 feet) range at full power. There are, however, many variables involved, so treat this as only a rough guide. There is a very good probability that you will get much greater range than this. The Lemon RSSI number is a relative value and cannot be directly compared to other signal indicators such as antenna fades reported by Spektrum or the FrSky RSSI number. Lemon has stated that the maximum signal measured after the LNA front end when the transmitter and receiver are right next to one another is displayed as a value of 100. A drop in “RSSI” by one unit corresponds to a drop in signal strength of approximately 0.6dBm. At the Lemon recommended minimum reading of 20 the signal is therefore 0.6 x 80 = 48dB down. While the receiver has a lot of reserve sensitivity and should continue to work even beyond that point, it is not recommended that this be taken for granted.
  4. I've been looking quite a bit online to get a signal strength warning setup on this but from what I have read it doesn't use the normal RSSI output and uses either TRSS or FLss. I know what they mean but I can't find any information on what to set my warnings at for low signal. Also I don't know which is the best to use (if either) or should I be looking at other telemetry outputs or do I need to look into scripts to give accurate signal strength outputs at the receiver?
  5. Mine also still goes full throw before settling in the centre. @Kim Taylor do you use the vario and if so what settings on the Vspeed sensor? I can see a lot of settings for it and I've settled with Kph with no decimal reading ratio. Of course I haven't been able to fly yet but I'm trying to get it to give me as minimal beeping as possible while still providing me with a good Vspeed reading.
  6. After a few hours of trying to get it working I decided to start swapping out hardware starting with the ESC first. It worked first time! I did not think an ESC would cause these kind of issues when it's been working fine with another receiver for many flights. Very odd. Guess this is the perks of using second hand gear. Thanks for the help guys as always!
  7. Yeah I read them as I suspected they would give me the reason but there isn't really anything helpful other than the basics. Any port I try with the ESC I just get a beeping motor on DSM, X2F, usually you give it a bit of throttle and it detects it and beeps to give the cell count etc but I am not getting anything. I will keep fiddling but it's proving awkward.
  8. Awesome, thanks! X2F was the one I was having the most luck with so as yours is working on that I will stick with it and hopefully I can find out what I am doing wrong. Much appriciated.
  9. Received the RX but haven't some issues getting it to work correctly on EdgeTX. I can get it to connect with DSM but keeping the Subtype setting on Auto causes the control surfaces to all go to the maximum when it should be central, when trying different Subtypes such as 2 1F, 2 2F, X1F, X2F, R1F gives different results but either choppy servos or no servo movement, also the motor will beep as if the ESC is receiving no signal from the RX. It's inconsistent also, at one point I had all the surfaces running as normal but on -100% for the throttle it would still run at it's slowest speed. If it was consistent on each setting it would be helpful but it's not. Has anyone setup one of these on EdgeTX that could give me the correct Subtype and I will see if I can get it working from there? I'm thinking it could be a faulty RX but far more likely I am just not changing a setting correctly, although I have had zero with issues with a mixture of other different branded receivers.
  10. I have looked again and I was wrong, it's all in one receiver, that saves me going over to ExpressLRS now so much appreciated. I think ELRS will be a future move for me. I've got myself a Lemon RX on order so looking forward to trying it out. Thank you!
  11. Don't they also require a standalone telemetry box that the sensors connect to? It seems the Vario is built into this box so it would need a lemon RX and the telemetry box? I'm thinking the better long run solution would be to get an ExpressLRS module for the transmitter then I can buy the Radiomaster receivers with Vario built in and I will also be able to use ExpressLRS going forward? I can get the receivers from China for £30 with built in Vario: https://www.hobbyrc.co.uk/radiomaster-er8gv-8ch-elrs-receiver-with-vario Am I missing any negatives to doing this?
  12. Looking for a good reliable cheap Receiver with a vario to work with my 4 in 1 Radio master Zorro (and TX16S when I get it). I do have a couple of Spektrum receivers but I believe you need the telemetry box for them then the actual vario sensor on top of that. I've been buying Flysky but their altitude sensor doesn't do vertical speed so looking for something else for my thermals.
  13. I will grab the instructions out again and have another read, it doesn't help a lot of the words are missing as its been printed larger than the paper it came on 😄
  14. I thought this was going to be the easy one to build but looking at the instructions with it I think I may struggle. I have tried looking for build blogs but can't really find any. I'll keep looking but if you guys know of any let me know. I think I will stick with IC as I don't want to modify it too much at this stage. Thanks.
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