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About Hoochykins

  • Birthday 27/12/1988

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  1. Much appreciated guys, perfect answers as always. My plan was to stick the carb fully closed when in the model on a momentary switch and adjust tickover with the trim, basically the same as you guys have described. I'm on RadioMaster so have every option under the sun. I'll keep this thread for any more questions I have as no doubt there will be a few, I've got a few engines to get running including some doorstops I'm sure 😁 Let's see which is going to give me the most jip, I thought I'd go with OS first to make my life as easy as possible. Glow MDS 61 - no exhaust or carb needle Thunder Tiger 46 pro - loose carb GMS 2000 40 MDS 18 OS 40 FP Max Saito FA-45 Special SC 25A Thunder Tiger GP 42 MDS 148 MFA 40 OS Surpass 91 FS (FW190) Magnum XL 46 OS Max 40 NS Bluebird 25 MDS 48 Merco .61 Thunder Tiger 45 Thunder Tiger GP 42 OS Max 46LA OS Max 25LA Cox 049 Surestart Irvine 40 Mk3 MDS 17 Pro Diesel OS PET 099 PAW 19 Mk2 Petrol CRRC Pro 26cc
  2. Now the weather is just about improving I've been giving a few motors a run on my new test stand. I've never tuned glow engines before but have read up quite a bit and watched a fair amount of videos so I have the jist. My question is how should I be setting up the idle on the stand? Should I set the motor up to fully close the carb with no throttle to stop the motor or should it tick over with the throttle fully closed? I presume I would have it so I can fully close the carb when installed into an aircraft then trim the throttle so it doesn't starve the motor or air unless I want to stop it?
  3. Well the person I got it off has completed the first 3/4 steps of the fuse and I'd like to see it fly rather than keep it boxed up. I'm just waiting for page 1 of the plans as this wasn't in the box but I've checked through everything and it's all there. I'll let someone else enjoy building this one, seems like these kits are few and far between now.
  4. Thanks guys, much appreciated. I also got a Flair Harvard (mostly built) and a Hi-boy Precedent. I'll probably sell the SE5A as I've already got a SIG Smith Miniplane to build and it isn't my sort of thing 👍🏻
  5. I've just managed to get hold of a few Flair kits but the box images are different to anything I can find. Are these more modern releases?
  6. Amazing, thanks guys. A lot to think about, I will get reading 👍
  7. I knew it wasn't going to be a straight forward answer! Love the feedback though as it gives me options to look into and get an idea of what's being used most commonly. I'm like the look of making my own packs from A123 cells, is this option commonplace? I take it these cells provide the same power as a normal receiver pack/Eneloop pack but don't suffer with voltage drops?
  8. I've been doing a fair amount of Googling and although I've found a lot of info on different means to power the receiver and servos when running IC I am not sure what the 'norm' is. If I use the Focke Wulf I'm setting up as an example it has 3 standard sized analogue servos, 2 digital standard sized servos in the wings and two electric retracts what would be the best way to power these? I know you can use a 5v receiver battery pack, a A123 pack, a BEC and Lipo or a small Lipo (and likely a lot more) but what is the normal 'go to' or doesn't this exist and everyone using various setups? I'm only talking size 60 IC models and below so nothing major.
  9. Thanks guys, I bought a job lot of landing gears (piano wire/V shaped gears (metal and carbon)) so bought some £16 retracts. Two questions: 1. Is anyone selling a 4 stroke .60 / .70 motor for pretty cheap? I will go 2 stroke if I can't find one cheap enough 2. I haven't flown any glow yet and I don't know what the normal route for powering the servos is. Is it common or people to use a BEC and Lipo or just go with a receiver power pack or multiple BEC's? The model is using 2x digital full size servos in the wings and 3x analogue in the fuse.
  10. It's not a great image to be fair: https://www.kingslynnmodelshop.co.uk/vq-models-focke-wulf-fw-190d-9-59in-artf/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA0fu5BhDQARIsAMXUBOJAJt2JUtjCBHtBTmPpx3g9I81SPRiVR8Re4IT9vHCSejPR0CaMhgYaAvYTEALw_wcB I was thinking of going for the retract motors then going piano wire legs as you mentioned but I don't know if that's a thing?
  11. For the measly sum of £15 I have got myself a VQ FW190 air frame and I'm looking for some retracts for it. VQ do some but they are £100+ and likely impossible to buy now so I was looking for some cheap options. I'm trying to do a budget build to get this flying again and I have been through AliExpress to get some retracts as cheap as possible but once I find the right sizes and stick all the parts together (electrics, struts, wheels) it works out at about £50 and I can't be sure they will fit. Do I have any other options that are cheaper? I'd like the gears to retract but if I can't do it for cheap I am happy to compromise, the air frame has a few repairs etc so it's not a concourse flyer.
  12. All finished, a lot better than original and I decided not to go for a decal - I guess this one will forever be a mystery model Second model I have covered and I'm happy with the result 👍
  13. It's only test fitted at the moment, no sanding done or permanent motor mounting but it's in the final position and as you can see even if I cut away the lip on the front it's still going to be a very tight fit. I just wanted to know if other motors may fit or if they are more or less universal in size with the same mounting position for the carb? (before I start cutting away more of the fuse)
  14. Got a bit of an issue with the engine clearance and the front of the model, with the above motor fitted for me to be able to fit the carb will involve me cutting quite a bit out the front of the fusealage and ideally I don't want to do this. If I look for other .40 motors will I likely run into the same issue? IE do the carbs on all the same size motors sit in the same position and at the same angle or is there much difference in the design between manufactures? I didn't want to go searching for something that doesn't exist and I haven't fitted an IC motor before so I'm lacking on experience. I will grab a photo later of as it's always clearer with a photo 😁
  15. I am now the owner of a Golden Eagle but it is missing a couple of parts, annoyingly it's the plan and the 3mm ply sheet (and two of the four pieces of shaped wood but that's no issue). (one of the few images online) I will see if I can obtain a plan from MFA although I'm not holding my breath. Also I will be able to make up the 3mm ply parts from the image. It did also come with an MFA Panther IC motor, brand new in box but I again looking online I can't see very much about them at all. My question is if anyone has the plan for this please drop me a message and/or if anyone has any experience with the MFA motors what are they like? If they were rare and worth anything I would happily sell and go for an OS (or similar) second hand .40 instead.
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