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  1. The fact he says the weather is generally calm with mild winds would suggest he's not from the UK. Perhaps he could let us know. Before we go down the bmfa, legal, insurance side etc
  2. Good luck with your fight Matty, you'll get there. My brother in law didn't have that chance, he was 40 when he died, spent 3 yrs in a coma after his stroke.
  3. Does that mean the caliper seals are under pressure all the time the handbrake is on? What happens when the engines stopped and servos not working?
  4. It's a while since I sold mine, but from what I can remember the 1st instructions said 60mm to 70mm, that was too far forward even supposidly admitted by the importer but never changed, so 70mm should be safe. I think I ended up 80mm or more and still had slight up elevator trimmed in.
  5. I'm a bit out of touch with the workings of modern cars. But I suspect the electronic switch actuates something mechanical or hydraulic to put the brake on/off. If thats the case doubling the possibility of something going wrong.
  6. I suppose they have to draw a line somewhere and testing pilots beforehand is probably not practical, imagine 50 pilots turning up that need assessing! It maybe a landowner/insurance stipulation for a B. I agree that taking the B can be a faff and easier not to bother, but you went to the effort for the heli. Maybe your heli B would be sufficient perhaps someone on here could give you a contact no to ask. I believe I read on here an A is OK at Buckminster but I'm unsure.
  7. I'm thinking of getting one leccy are they all as good as each other or does one stand out. I like the look of the blue p51.
  8. Safe is probably fine if your standing in the middle of a field with no restrictions. But in a club environment,with sometimes numerous no fly zones and tight confines it doesn't really work. I flew a Cub with boundary settings and return to home, very clever but it doesn't follow club rules(yet!) when it takes over control.
  9. Ah electronic hand brakes another pet hate. Just Tech gone mad.
  10. As above, are you getting failsafe confused with throttle cut. If its throttle cut your after can't you just change the switch to the other way round, I don't use radiomaster so can't help but it's easy on spektrum.
  11. It was a Porsche Boxster. Not the quietest car, think that could of made me notice it more.
  12. Cars parking themselves would definitely be a worthwhile aid to most of the drivers in my village!
  13. Same for me, but I walk to the shop. Far better for my health, bank balance and the environment.👍 When I can't walk there I'll probably go electric. A mobility scooter!!😜
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