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  1. Flying confirmed for tomorrow. Charge transmitter tonight. Looking good ......
  2. I am .... like most elements of this hobby ...... in my infancy with settings. However, the more I tinker ... and ask ... the more I begin to understand. The three set switch settings are a beginning to give me a quick change between settings if I find the going tough and as I get to grips with a particular models characteristics. I know the other setting configurations are available on my transmitter as well as voice settings etc, all of what I am keen to through into the mix .... but for me ..... its a lego moment ..... one brick at a time..... or as pink floyd would say .... another brick in the wall. Grumpy has just helped me hit a realisation moment by sparking the idea of flight modes. If I understand this correctly, these sound like " pre- determined standards " achieved by incorporating a number of predetermined individual settings to make one " composite standard mode ". Again .... only beginning to see the light on this idea ..... a bit of a brain fart moment. I'll get there .... slowly though .... like everything else. .... Toto
  3. Still forgot to check if there were any further decals included when I had the box open ...... not going back in now ..... Doh.... I'm sure there will be. toto
  4. Just picked up on the fail safe part ..... no ..... not checked ...... but will do before I take to the field on Saturday .... tomorrow nights task. cheers toto
  5. Hi Grumpy, probably not but what I have found when using rates .... depending on the model .... is that 3rd rate of 60% can sometimes make the difference. I tend to set them ..... to start with as follows position 1 ..... 100% position 2 .... 70% position 3 .... 60% 100% is 100% but the difference between 70% and 60% can sometimes just cut the edge off. the Supercub was ( as a beginner ) a little to much on 100%. sort of behaved but lowering the rates usually in the end to 60% made for comfortable flying. Maybe 70% if windier. I will start with this but every model is different and once I've had a couple of flights will hopefully find the sweet spot and fly at that. I still dont know what was the actual reason for the demise of the supercub but I think I did not check the rate settings ..... went up on 100% rates and flew as I normally do only to get into difficulties very quickly .... I may be wrong ..... and will never know now. I maybe talking nonsense but I'll be paying a lot more attention going forward. When I set up the Tasman earlier tonight, I have installed little tape marker flags onto the functioning toggle switches just refreshing me with what they are as a aid memoire to checking my settings before taking to the sky. Previously I found I had not stuck to the same switches for the same functions across my models ...... that has now changed as I try to standardise my switching .... and memory to know intuitively where my controls lie. there could still be some casualties yet. cheers toto
  6. OK ..... I hit the shed and have a couple of wing measurement ..... I hope they are of use ..... The length of the wing from tip to root is 95 cm The width of the wing at the root end is 28 cm ..... and an odd job measurement which will probably be of no consequence is a measurement at the tip ( almost ) .... just at the edge of the aileron and is roughly 12cm ..... just to show how much the wing width tails off over its length as it may just help in calculating a rough wing area ..... with a little but of " eyeball geometry ". Hope this is of use Chris ( walby ) cheers toto
  7. The Tasman has been checked over and the Throttle cut, triple rates and flaps have been set. Just checking over the batteries for Saturday. John Smith is supervising. toto Batteries checked ..... all between 96% and 97% charged with one at 93% ( six batteries ) that'll do me.
  8. Many thanks for that Djay. I must admit, the ground clearance was a worry when I looked at it and I think you have confirmed my thoughts. A nice easy boring flight with no gotchas was exactly what I was after. There are plenty other models at Motion RC to get the heart pumping when I'm ready ...... Thanks for the input. Toto
  9. Hi Chris ( walby ) Not forgotten about the wing measurements. It will be Saturday / Sunday before I get the chance. I have a couple of things I need to do to get myself prepared for this Saturday's flying ( hopefully ). Not enough hours in the day sometimes. Toto
  10. I feel your frustration Matty. You've come this far through grit and determination. Keep it going. I imagine it must be mentally tiring because progress isn't going at the pace you would like but have faith in yourself. I'll echo what others have already said because I think its important ..... you are an intelligent man and I'm sure you can map out the progress that you need to make. .... take a deep breath and push on. .... I know ..... easy for others to say but its the way to go. You have already reached the most important goal of getting home and into your family environment again where you stand the best chance of progressing with the support of others nearest and dearest to you. .... just take a break now and again .... take a deep breath ...... and soldier on. Everyone is rooting for you buddy. Toto
  11. So .... half way through my domestic commitments tonight. 1 x gate fixed. Hedge cutting duties put off to the weekend. Tomorrow night back in the shed to deal with the setting up of the Tasman and double checking batteries. There was a bit rain here tonight but just a brief light shower. If that keeps up for the weekend .... all is well for flying I think. Fingers crossed. Toto
  12. Three sleep nights to go. The weather is holding out ..... but can my nerve. ..... its like waiting for santa. Come on weather gods play fair for a pleasant Saturday ...... even just dry will do .... Toto
  13. Glad you like it Chris. Motion RC do a nice range of models. Worth a visit. No connection ..... just a happy customer. Toto
  14. Hi Simon, I'll take a look at it again nearer the build time and see what can be done. From memory and a quick look back at the images, I think they protrude beyond the surface slightly. Probably why the manufacturer has left them how they are. ..... pity. Toto
  15. I'll be opening up the carton again at some point this weekend for the measurements for Chris so if anybody wants a specific shot of any particular detail ........ shout out now as once its shut ....... the horse has bolted. Cheers Toto
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