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About Neddy

  • Birthday 24/12/1949

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  1. I have at last sorted it out there was a missed step in the mixes section. The radio has edgeTx I have watched a large number of videos on setting up the boxer,Zorro. Tx16 with edge tx. Thanks every body for your help
  2. I am convinced it is the radio.The instruction manual isn't much good it just adds to the confusion. One plane works ok so I duplicated the settings on the other plane and this has the problem with the disarming running flat out. With the throttle not working. When I arm it the throttle works as normal.
  3. I thought I had it solved when I found I hadn't ticked the sections in special functions but it didnt work. I still have the problem when I turn on disarm with motor running flat out ! There must be a problem in the set up on radio somewhere ?
  4. I thought it could be something I had set up wrong in the radio but I have the same settings in another plane and have had no problems. I have the arm and disarm set the same. Both planes have the same model receivers. In the plane in question the motor operates normally with radio in armed position. Once I turn it to disarm the motor runs flat out. This tells me it's the failsafe that is doing this. I have tried to reset the failsafe as instructed in the video by rebinding disconnecting reconnecting and a quick press of the button on the receiver but its not working.
  5. I have just checked my special functions settings yes I had not ticked the switch boxes on the plane that was in question. I had ticked them on the plane that was operating properly. Thank you for your help much appreciated!
  6. I thought it could be something I had set up wrong in the radio but I have the same settings in another plane and have had no problems. I have the arm and disarm set the same. Both planes have the same model receivers. In the plane in question the motor operates normally with radio in armed position. Once I turn it to disarm the motor runs flat out. This tells me it's the failsafe that is doing this. I have tried to reset the failsafe as instructed in the video by rebinding disconnecting reconnecting and a quick press of the button on the receiver but its not working.
  7. This is how I calibrated the esc
  8. I have done as this video suggests but doesn't work I have the same receiver.
  9. I am loading a new plane into my radio master tx12 but having problems with failsafe setting on frskyv8 receiver. I bind the receiver but find the throttle setting needs calibrating. To calibrate you turn off the receiver put your throttle at full setting on radio then turn on the receiver wait for two beeps and turn down throttle to minimum position after hearing three beeps the throttle is calibrated. But doing this triggers the failsafe. If I turn radio to disarm the motor it starts running flat out. I am thinking the receiver is faulty? Any suggestions
  10. The tx12 mk2 has edge tx same as Zorro the original tx12 has got open tx
  11. The Zorro has the same set up as the tx12 mk2
  12. Can this radio be used to run spectrum receivers? Can this also use frsky V8 receivers? It says D8 on the frskyrx setting on the radio.
  13. Thank you for these instructions and very clear explanation I will calibrate the gimbals after the change of modes. Thanks again
  14. Caveman That video is the old model and it has different gimbals altogether.
  15. I think all he is doing is taking a lock screw from one of the gimbles and putting in the other. Then resetting program. Language maybe European ?
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