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MattyB last won the day on August 7 2024

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  1. It’s a no for now as my cognitive issues seem to have affected my spatial awareness so maintaining road position was hard.
  2. My driving assessment is this morning which effectively determines whether future of my solo flying career will continue!
  3. Well my head is now a much nicer shape following the cranioplasty op before Xmas and the wound has healed well and my hair is growing fast
  4. Just cut am off and solder on some small bullet style connectors or solder directly to the esc once motor direction is determined.
  5. Lengthen the noise a bit and reduce weight at the rear I guess is the main strategy.
  6. Why earth did you csll this thread Royal Mail when it’s the French post office levying the import duty charge here?! Baffling
  7. I think that sort of l is where my current flying lies oif anywhere but I think any competitive urge has been well and truly stymied by kids and this experience so I wouldn’t compete any more whatever happens.
  8. Sorry but I think this exchange has all confirmed to me I should stop posting here. As I get enough pep talks about attitude and worrying from my parents and family already. I do agree about celebrating the small wins but in reality they are not coming fast enough any more to give me longer term hope and winter is proving a real challenge, as it restricts my external mobility further and the cold causes extra spasticity and at the moment I can’t even wear a hat to keep my head warm! 🥲
  9. How many times have I told people in this thread , never say get well soon to a neurological patient because very little happens soon, and certainly Ot getting well - I am 10 months in at this point and I can’t see any prospect of me being what I’d consider truly well ever again! All I can hope is to rehab to a level of function that might allow me to lead a satisfactory life, but even that feels a distant prospect at this point I just feel the whole thing is so unfair and am grieving for my former life. I was young, fit and not at all overweight and I didn’t drink much at all or smoke. I just seem to have been massively unlucky in damaging my carotid artery wall where the clot formed, before going to my brain this damage was possibly caused by a mountain bike crash or possibly by something as innocuous as a sneeze! Yes rea!ly! Apparently that does happen sometimes.
  10. Easy to say guys but tbh after nearly 10 months my resilience is faltering a bit and I am still so far from where I want to be!
  11. The main issue is it is hard to enjoy something you used to be really good at to the same level when you aren’t any more so pootling a a junior 60 around when you could do rolling circles with an f3A style aerobatic machine doesn’t really appeal - if anything I will have to go back to thermal soaring as I might have a chance of doing that successfully with a floaty type r/e/f model in gentle conditions
  12. No because y occupational therapist considers flying using mode 1 a good therapeutic task for me, and anyway that is not even the biggest problem - if I can’t drive myself to the field my flying career is essentially over and I have a lot full of “ retirement kits to build too!!! 😢
  13. The old PicooZ helis from a few years ago were awesome indoor pocket money fun for Xmas - I really miss those but they were killed off by micro drones I fear and the batteries never used to last many cycles maybe ten or so
  14. My latest negative milestone was telling one of the club officials in my club I won’t be renewing membership or BMFA subs until at least until after I’ve had my driving assessment in January as without that my silo flying career is essentially over and anyway my stroke arm is not yet reliable enough in terms of dexterity for me to be the pilot legally in control I don’t think, I have only flown on a buddy box setup with my Dad since my stroke so there is no point at this point in me renewing 🥲 until I know I can drive myself to the field and even if I do reach that point I am going to need a new gentler model to fly as stuff like my Miss Wind would be way beyond me at this point. Anyone got a secondhand Radian for sale?!!! I used to be a prerty good pilot too so it is rather dispiriting to have to admit this stuff to myself. 🥲
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