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Robin Colbourne

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Robin Colbourne last won the day on January 1 2023

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  1. If you hear the 633 Squadron theme tune, then the parcel is at your front door, however the drone has brought the house down on top of it...
  2. The only model that I can find with that combination of wing tip shape, dorsal fin, rear 'window' and bolted on wing is the Super Flying Model Tri 40 II. They appear to have been available as a kit and an 'almost ready to fly' (ARTF), which may explain the non-standard colour scheme. It even has that wing joiner with the slot in it , although if you look at the RIpmax instructions for the ARTF, the tip appears to have been redisgned between the cover photo and the body of the building instructions. Kit instructions for the Tri-40 II ARTF Instructions for the Tri-40 II
  3. A couple of MATS A aerial targets up for sale
  4. payneib, you forgot to add that their solution to all such situations is, 'Buy more guns'. 😀
  5. Bonzo Moon, that is certainly an impressive achievement, not least for being able to achieve continuous flight within the space available and without hitting obstructions. There are a few people who would have taken exception to your claim of the first quadplane though. Matthew Bacon Sellers Jr. built the first successful quadraplane in 1908, capable of flying on 5hp after development. Frederick Koolhoven, the famous Dutch designer, Designed the Armstrong Whitworth FK10 fighter in 1916. Noel Pemberton Billing the Supermarine founder and Member of Parliment designed the incongruous Zeppelin hunter, the Supermarine Nighthawk, which just goes to prove that every aircraft in Dastardly and Muttley has existed for real at some point.
  6. There's always the possibility that the constituent parts of one of the ingredients has been changed, usually for environmental reasons, and not relayed on to the customer (fuel blender in this case). I've come across this sort of thing a number of times in the the day job. The other possibilty is that some fluid that was around or being used by the Richard when cleaning or rebuilding the engine had an effect. Thread locking fluids, for example, can casue all sorts of damage to plastic and rubber parts.
  7. Better to buy a good used vice than a cheap new one. Record vices are perhaps the best known, however there are many other good quality brands such as Paramo, Rededa, Woden and Parkinson. Once you reach 4 inch jaws it is well worth having a quick release vice to save time. If a quick release vice doesn't tighten but just clicks, it is a simple matter to remove the split pin on the mechanis and tighten a turn on the sprung ratchet. For smaller work, I like to have a smaller vice, e.g. Record No.1, mounted on a block of wood clamped in the jaws of the larger vice. It also raises the work piece up so I'm not bending down so much. Facebook Marketplace and Ebay are probably the best places to find the older vices. Here is my Record No. 1 vice (which looked a lot tattier than it does now, when I bought it) in a Record No.23 quick release vice I bought for a colleague, who cleaned it up and repainted it.
  8. This image from a Canadian forum shows the Centre of gravity just above the leading edge of the lower wing:
  9. Ebay Facebook Marketplace B-M-F-A Sales Group on Facebook There are many other similar ones. Also keep an eye open for club auctions and bring and buy sales. With the increasing age of R/C fliers there are a lot of secondhand models that go for peanuts. It is very common to find that the model will require some work before it can really be considered airworty, so bear this in mind. Martin Thompson buys and sells models. He has recently introduced a scoring system for the quality of those he is selling via Inwood Models. A Plane Olde Bargain is another source. They are tucked away in Old Leake, Lincolnshire, which way over behind the back of beyond (beyond the black stump is much, much closer), so a bit of a trek from the main centres of habitation, however they do have a stall at the major shows in the summer.
  10. Raymond, as Martin has said, the airframe itself is not likely to be particularly valuable. Your best bet is to advertise it in the Surrey/Berkshire area and hope there is someone who learned to fly on a BobCat that wants to buy it for nostalgic reasons. Before advertising that you will post it, check the cost of doing so. Once a parcel gets over 120cm the delivery price can be prohibitive. Here's a BobCat in the foreground that was brought along to the model flying course I ran at Tomlinscote School, Frimley in the mid-90s.
  11. My thoughts are that this reads like a hacked account, or at best, you have misread the audience. The cars you list are so diverse so few here would have an opinion. The concern of most modellers that I know is, "Will my wing fit in this car and will glow fuel stain the upholstery?" . Try Pistonheads/Car buying and Pistonheads/finance
  12. The Graces do seem to be a family with more than their fair share of untimely ends. Even so, I doubt any of them would have swapped their experiences for a long, dull life and dying of old age.
  13. The shape and colour scheme matches the 'Flying Cat 90' a 60" ARF pusher that Nitroplanes used to sell:
  14. That is really quite an achievement to make an engine that self destructs in the box. Was it magnesium in some sort of corrosive packaging?
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