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Christopher Long 1

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  1. Hi Jonathan, You can still buy orange Litespan direct from Solafilm https://solarfilm.co.uk/products/litespan?variant=920912920620 or Polyester Tissue, available in white only and in 3 weights can be purchased from Mike Woodhouse @ Free flight Supplies which is similar to Litespan https://www.freeflightsupplies.net/index.php/products/lightweight-covering-materials
  2. I have quoted my earlier post for the benefit of Erfolg and KC. Perhaps if both Erfolg and KC, (who I assume are BMFA members) had bothered to accept the invitation to view the AGM via ZOOM, (no travel involved) and request the password so that they can access the relevant AGM documents they would have a better understanding of the true picture instead of the uninformed half truths they want to believe. I live over 200 miles away from the National Centre - so I am unlikely to visit anytime soon, however everyone I know who has, says it is a great place to visit and fly from and is a credit to the BMFA and the volunteers who run it, and yes from the figures I see the BMFA can afford it and I support its continued existence.
  3. If you had watched the AGM (or as I did attended virtually on ZOOM as a club delegate) then you would have seen that the £63,456 rates bill for the National Centre included an back dated amount that resulted from the work that the BMFA has done to improve and renovate the buildings and facilities at the site which has led to the local authority increasing the rateable value by a significant amount and then back dating it! So in future the annual rates bill should be nearer half of that amount (at a guess). Also people should note that the National Centre is now the BMFA HQ and that allowed the BMFA to sell the old HQ with a gain of £218,000 (and also reduces ongoing costs) which after tax etc allowed £200,000 to be added to the reserves. This years AGM was also held at the National Centre again making savings by not having to hire a venue for the AGM. If you take out the back dated rates bill and the cost of setting up the cafe (which cost around £10,000 of which most has been recovered from takings since it opened, but won't appear until next years accounts are published) then the National Centre at worst broke even in 23/24. This is a good result as the poor spring/summer weather hit income due to a number of events being cancelled. Again, this was made clear at the AGM. I know some say that figures never lie, but they don't always tell the whole story either and used without context can be misleading!
  4. I am shocked to hear that on the evening of October 15th 2024 it was announced Richard Grace lost his stoic battle with an ongoing illness. He was only 40 and will be a great loss to his family and also to the historic aircraft restoration and operating community!
  5. AeroModeller has been 'back' since January 2013 (or 12 years!) Yes it was published as part of AMI for a while (2001 - 2011). Edition 1 of AeroModeller was published in November 1935 (89 years ago) now that is real heritage!
  6. Don't forget Aeromodeller, a magazine with a much longer history and heritage than RCM&E, which also deserves to be supported and would be missed if it disappeared, it is also available in print and digital formats.
  7. Their website is rubbish, it is not secure (hardly with it technology wise!!), and there is absolutely no product information for instance, wingspan, engine size, is electric conversion available and so on. So why would they expect me to buy from them with so little product information. I am sorry, having a Facebook group/page does not count as being 'with it' in my book.
  8. Shame for the human loss. Although it the plane pictured is not a B17, more likely a Lockheed A12.
  9. If you have not got one how do you know the Chinese versions are more sturdy? With care and the right blade in my experience the Proxon will cut 8mm birch ply. Looking at some of the reviews for the Chinese ones on Amazon they seem to be poor and do not cut accurately (and seem distinctly unsafe) and also not 240V powered - which the Proxon is - most are only 20V from a power pack. When it comes to power tools you tend (with a few exceptions) to get what you pay for!
  10. I have have used the Proxxon KS 230 Saw with the 28020 Fine Precision 50 mm Blade for many years and have used it to cut my balsa strip wood as well as lots of other cutting jobs, and it is very good and would recommend it. It also handles birch ply as well as light ply up to 8mm thick. I think Chronos Engineering are doing this for £132.00 inc. VAT & delivery supplied with the 58mm standard blade and the Fine Precision 50mm 28020 blade that I use. I have no connection with Chronos apart from being a happy customer. You might find it cheaper elsewhere.
  11. I have a print and digital subscription and I see no option to renew my subscription (due in August) and get the book offer, I assume that as you are posting in this forum you are appealing mainly to those who already subscribe to the magazine? If so, why not allow us with active subscriptions renew in advance and get the book? It seems that once again customer loyalty is taken for granted.
  12. Every time I move to a new page (on both MS Edge and Chrome) I get the pop-up titled We value your privacy asking to Customize, Reject All and Accept All cookies. This is incredibly irritating and should not happen once I made my choice - please fix!!
  13. Actually there are more than 28000 BMFA members - you missed an 0 off!
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