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Nigel Heather

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Nigel Heather last won the day on February 4 2023

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  1. Ordinary yellow tube uhu (not uhu por) or gorilla glue clear (not the brown expanding stuff).
  2. Tongue in cheek, whenever I see reports of inappropriate drone usage (like over airfields, military bases, private property etc.) I think "simples, they just need to note the Operator ID which will lead them directly to the culprit". In the real world we all know that the vast majority of those that register and label their aircraft are those that do and have always behaved properly. I practically guarantee that when the Police finally identify a drone being inappropriately used there will be no Operator ID on it.
  3. My apologies, yes I was. I have only ever done the CAA test and to be honest I always assumed that the BMFA one was the same questions but managed by the BMFA on behalf of the CAA. I know different now.
  4. Mostly agree with you, but a lot of the questions do have a drone flavour. For example some refer to flying when out and about, trips in the country, hiking, mountain-biking. One mentions flying whilst cycling using a 'follow me' function. Other talking about being out with friends and using your drone to take selfies. Other talk about flying over festivals, and taking videos of properties and people. Now I agree that you could do this with a fixed-wing aircraft but very unlikely and would be very much the minority. Nor do the scenarios reflect the sort of environments most of us fly in, in a remote field at a BMFA registered club. Actually, I'd go as far as using follow me on a fixed wing whilst cycling would be extremely dangerous. Having said that, I don't have any issue with the questions, they are generally sensible and the correct answers mostly obvious. And if anyone is really bothered by the questions a quick Google will find the questions and answers before you attempt the test. And remember you can do the test as many times as you want.
  5. Just seen the answer to my own question - although in the portal it states 'renews in 1 year' if I click on the card then it states valid until 21/2/2026.
  6. Question about CAA renewal. Just renewed by BMFA and CAA memberships. In the past I have always processed my CAA membership directly with the CAA but this year I added it to my BMFA renewal. My CAA membership renewal was not due for another two months - I think this is because when it was first brought in BMFA members were given an extra two months before they needed to join. Now that I have renewed through the BMFA will renewal date be honoured or will it renew now, and I lose two months. Not bothered either way, just like to know For example, in the BMFA portal before renewal it stated that my CAA membership renews in 2 months, but now that I have renewed, it says renews in one year (rather than 14 months). Cheers, Nigel
  7. You could have filed/sanded the wood slightly to open up the hole.
  8. The BMFA had options - the cost of producing the magazine had skyrocketed - they could have kept it as 'free' and hiked up the subscription to cover it, or they could have made a digital edition available for free and offered the physical magazine as a paid extra. They chose the latter, which, personally, I think was the right thing to do. Memberships are already reducing, a price hike wouldn't help that situation. And people are different, you clearly prefer a paper copy. Others might prefer a digital copy. Then there will be many like me, 5 minute skim through it when it was paper, don't bother looking at the digital version.
  9. I'd do an early war Mk IA with dark green / dark earth uppers and black / white / silver unders and a yellow gas detection diamond.
  10. Yes it is easy to imagine that if you fit a ‘puller’ propeller backwards it will behave like a ‘pusher’ propeller but what you actually get is a less-efficient ‘puller’ propeller.
  11. Looks interesting but can't find much about it. Anyone know whether it is easy to remove the paper covering or how light it is?
  12. You got me all excited saying that Elite Models stock Maker Board but unfortunately it seems the same as other UK stocks I have found over the last few years - just the 8mm stuff. As far as I can see the 5mm stuff disappeared from the UK about 5 years ago but 8mm stuff has been really available. The Flite Test models use the 5mm board. They do list 5mm board, as do several other stores but always 'out of stock'
  13. Interesting - the 2 stroke recommendation of 45-65 is as expected but surprised that the recommended electric setup is 4S. Are they really equivalent?
  14. I don't fly IC any more but when I did I noticed two things 1) my fixed wing aircraft had plenty of oil that needed cleaning after the flying session 2) my helicopter rarely had any oil that needed cleaning Always wondered why that was.
  15. For anyone interested, I got to the bottom of the problem I was experiencing with my Ruckus - that it would climb strongly whenever throttle was applied. I tried more than doubling the down thrust - this had minimal effect. I tried moving the CoG - this had minimal effect. Added loads of elevator trim - this got it flying okay, but not great, and there was a roll that I couldn’t quite get rid of as it varied depending on the attitude of the plane. Then when replacing the clevises (I’d discovered that the supplied ones are very brittle) I noticed something odd with the elevator hinging. The right hand elevator was fine, hinged on the centreline but the left hand elevator was not. The outer and centre hinges were good but the inner hinge was set considerably below the centreline resulting in a bend in the left hand elevator. I’d not noticed it before because I’d just be checking at the tips which were fine. I contacted Century UK and they were excellent, quickly sending out a replacement tailplane. Fitted that, removed all the elevator trim and it flys great now.
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