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David Holland 2

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David Holland 2 last won the day on April 14 2021

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  1. Hello, hello, hello, I sense a plot afoot………
  2. No one has mentioned a Mosquito………………
  3. Mike, sorry to be a pain, your above advice worked to get me a height read-out on the Horus but no Vario tone and only the aileron channel is working. I'm guessing the rx is faulty so I think a call to Richard at T9 and order one compatible with my X20 is the plan. Thanks for your help.
  4. Wow, that was a race! Lost a bit of respect for McLaren though, that was Lando's win. Anyway, I do have that cable, Tim, but I can't work out where the 6 pin plug goes. I have a S-Port Airlink and a S-Port Tool Kit. The Airlink has a 6 pin socket and a mini usb socket but I have no idea where to go from there.
  5. Don't seem to have a "discover new sensors" menu in FrOs, Tim. The rx has 6 three pin connectors but no S-Port. It has an uninhabited land on the PC board for a 6 pin socket. I have very limited knowledge of electronics so I may give Richard a ring at T9. Cheers, Mate.
  6. I have a Horus X10 Express using FrOs and, try as I may, I cannot get the vario function to work on a GR6X receiver. I’ve had the tx for a while and tried many times with no luck. Any ideas? TIA
  7. Some advice please, chaps (Pete Christy, perhaps?) I have a very old Morley Hughes 300 which I built after a MicroMold Lark. I flew them both but not very successfully. Neither had any sort of electronic stability assistance. I got to the stage of being able to sort of hover, move forwards, backwards and sideways but never managed a circuit. It was the orientation thing so I tried flying fixed wing to develop the "it's coming towards me" skills and got hooked. Never went back to helis until the little indoor fully stabilised jobbies came along. I now have an urge to resurrect the Morley and try again. Is it feasible to convert to electric, what sort of stabiliser/gyro do I need and where would I source such a thing? I am a bit of a model engineer so have a workshop and the ability (?) to attempt the conversion. Your thoughts would be appreciated, TIA. David
  8. Where did you source the dolly kit, Lipoman? Could do with one of those myself.
  9. Hello, Richard, I put my name in the hat but said I was happy to wait for the second batch. If a kit is still available I’ll certainly have one, please. I think you have my details but I can soon PM you if not. David Holland
  10. Morning, Gents. I have read that charging LiPos to slightly less than 4.2v per cell is good for their longevity. One of my chargers will allow a user set max voltage but my two older B6 type chargers don't have that adjustment. They do, however, have a LiLo setting which charges up to 4.1v per cell. Can I use this to charge LiPos? Looking at the B6 charger manual, all the other parameters are the same. TIA, David
  11. I’ve just read “Mosquito Men” by David Price about 627 Squadron Pathfinders. Great book about an amazing aircraft and the heroes that flew them. A 60inch, single 4s, hand launched would tick all the boxes for me. With your skill in producing great looking, great flying models, Richard, I would have thought you would have a winner on your hands. I’m definitely in.
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