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Geoff Gardiner

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  1. The first assembly: It's getting close. I still have the exhausts to fit and I am going to try a bit of weathering with this one. More later...
  2. Thanks chaps. So, I glued the canopy last night and must have been a bit tired because when I took the tape off today I noticed that it was slightly off centre. Once I had noticed it my eye was drawn to it. So it was out with the knife and the canopy was removed ( I did'nt take a picture because the air had gone blue! ) I am blaming Leccy for this decision as he pointed out that I had forgotton the gunsight 😉 (thanks for the link) Out with the 3d printer and a gunsight was duly fitted. More later...
  3. Thanks Murat. Canopy has been sprayed and is being glued with canopy glue. More later...
  4. Bit of work done in the 'office'. More later...
  5. I have done the wiring for the wing servos using a DB9 connector and fitted the retracts. More later...
  6. Bit more showing the steps to paint the Queen Jean logo with a drop shadow added. A couple of areas need touching up but I am happy with it. More later...
  7. It was £2.50 from one of the pound stores - Poundland I think. Seems to have gone on OK.
  8. Bit more painting done today. More later...
  9. I've been a bit busy the past few weeks but have been doing some more painting between wind, rain and hail storms (thought it was Summer!). More later...
  10. Hi Ron, have you got any tips on painting aluminium spinners (primers etc)?
  11. No problem with anyone posting on this thread. If you keep in mind that the wing has a positive dihedral and then offer the pairs up to each other at the root, it should hopefully make sense.
  12. Made a start on the painting. First step was white emulsion, brushed on. Then mask off for the stripes, and the white background for the 'stars & bars'. I cut my own paint masks and these were applied onto the white background then the stripes were masked over the top (see below). The letters are just to check alignment for now. With paint masks I always seal the edges with the background colour first. This stops any bleeding through of the top colour. Seems to have worked fairly well. More later...
  13. Do you have a link to the B&Q foam that you are using? Thanks.
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