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Roy Thompson

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Roy Thompson last won the day on November 26 2023

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  1. Today despite the cold the Raider had her first 2 successful flights. The maiden went well if a little pitch happy, the CofG may have been little aft. Second flights I moved the battery forward an inch so the CofG was definitely a tad forward of the mark. This calmed her down nicely. Control throws as per the 80's instructions are spot on, which is fortunate as I've not set up any rates. I suppose if they were right back then, they still are today. Only thing I could experiment with is the prop, to get a bit more speed out of her. Using an 8X6e she has plenty of pull but not overly quick.
  2. Big push to finish off projects before the end of the year, the Raider being one. Yesterday I finished doing the union flags decals for the wing and just a couple of roundels to go, the decals are not perfect but will do for now. All thats left is to add the receiver, setup the radio work out where to sit the battery for the CG, and we are good to go. Then come the new year just got to wait for the weather and an opportunity to give her a go. BOWMAN MODELS RAIDER 26.pdf
  3. My skill as a pilot!😞 Moved all my models out of my workshop in to storage to do some building work earlier this year. As I carefully (I thought) lowered a wing out of the roof storage rack, it accidentally dislodged the wing above it. As the wing began to fall, I released one hand from the wing I was holding to try and grab it. The wing I was holding then started to drop through an arc around my remaining handhold, hitting the steps I was standing on, removing the wing tip and splitting the aileron. My freehand now grabbed the second wing, fingers going through wing sheeting, this then also fell in an arc hitting the steps with more momentum than the first braking the spar. And I thought the models would be safer well away from the builders
  4. Hi Lonut, looks like an interesting project. Could be what I’m looking for to design/build a balsa wing to replace an old foam core wing. when I have a moment I’ll have a proper look.
  5. It’s funny how everyone is different, must be the way our brains are wired. I tried FreeCad and TinkerCad before settling on F360, I couldn’t get my head around the other, but my friends in the US will only use Tinker Cad and he makes amazing models with it. Either way it’s a long learning curve.
  6. Look Forward to seeing your contra in action.
  7. As it's wet and cold outside, time to do a little more to this. Changed the black and white aileron to white and black. Then started working out the graphics for the wing, that's another hole in the cornflakes packet. Note ot self, Next time I have a bright idea about a colour scheme, KISS. Hope this thing going to fly.
  8. Hi Piers, good to hear, I'll be looking out for the build tread with interest. I think you're right, if you are starting from scratch then a 2 or 3 part wing is the way to go. Just finished posting this in another place. The only question bugging me now is what do I do with the remains of the other kit. There is a temptation to start a long term project as a Miles Hawk Trainer, using the lessons learnt from the Magister. As the centre wing section is delaminated, I would build up a replacement maybe using the foam outers, allowing for a 2 or 3 part wing, for easy transport and storage, that's for starters. The weight, is the other issue as the magister came out around 14.5 lbs, the instruction say 10lbs. A built-up wing would help with this, and as the fuse need to be strip back to a frame and restarted there's the chance to build in some extra lightness, in the words of the recently departed and sadly missed Chris Golds. But then again, there are other projects still to do, like the Bowman's Hurricane, that keeps slipping down the list for one.
  9. It’s been a while since I’ve posted in this thread but I thought I’d share this, Decembers RCM&E. After completing the Magister I took some time and wrote up the restoration, and here we are a few months later, part one. Hopefully it’s going to be of interest, I’ve written it more about the process of the restoration and conversion, as opposed to a step by step account.
  10. Very sorry to hear about Chris passing, a talented man and all-round nice fellow. I had the pleasure of meeting him a few times at fly-ins, he was always very interesting to talk to, either about models or his time in the RAF. He had an amazing work ethic with an incredible output of models and magazine articles. His model designs will live on for ever. My condolences to his family and friends.
  11. This is a new one on me, not come across a Seagull glider. Be interested in seeing what it looks like and what sort of date it's from.
  12. It looks a bit like this Robin, this is Ron’s from earlier in this thread. Still intact but the wood is probably beyond repair.
  13. Hi Robin, Seen both of these, and looks like you’re right. So now we have 3 versions of the Skyman the “Simple” 3ch built up flat bottom wing, now the “Skyman” 4ch with semi symmetrical foam wing, and an upgraded Super Skyman for 40 sizes engines also foam wing, don’t know if they changed the profile or made another changes. Nice to see both the plans are readable. Wonder if a Stuntman will ever turn up. Regards Roy
  14. You know when you think something is a good idea, and then you try to make it happen! A little bit more done to the tail, it sort of works 😀
  15. Made it there Sunday as a spectator (must sort out a B) had a great day, and certainly exceeded our steps for the day.
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