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Roy Thompson

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Everything posted by Roy Thompson

  1. Progress was going well until I thought that I’d finished covering, ready to start putting on the decals. Then I put together to take this picture! 😒🙄 Can you spot my deliberate mistake?
  2. Not forgotten this build it’s just been on hold until other projects over, like the clubs foam glider challenge. Yesterday as the builder is working in my workshop, I thought I’d get on with the covering on the Raider on the dinner table.
  3. Seen at APOB on eBay another rare kit from Bowman’s. Don’t know much about the history of this kit, like was it designed, made, in house Bowman? It does say on the plan kitted by Bowman. What ever it not one for me. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/305651815911?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=7iuC7mnGR26&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=FTZwGEcdTDe&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  4. You’re quite right Martin, I hadn’t noticed. I took the legs off this weekend and bent them back.
  5. Good day yesterday at the flying field, the sun was shining, the breeze was blowing gentle down the strip and plenty of club mates enjoying the company. A good day to take the Magister for a couple of flights armed with my camera. First flight OK but as smooth as I would like, chasing the elevator trim I’m sure when the plastic snake expands and contracts with the change in temperature. The prop came very close to being driven into the ground during takeoff, as the tail came up too much, but after a couple of circuits we had that adjusted. The landing of the day, ended with her parking herself on her nose. Second flight much better now I’d got my eye in again, and as the camera was in the hands of my friend I trust to take good pictures, I was determined to have a smooth flight. Good takeoff, plenty of passes for the camera and a landing on the wheels. That made my day.
  6. Hi there Martin, Cowl fitted yet, and any flying done ?
  7. Just in case anyone was wondering, this build is still on going just paused for now until a couple of other projects are finished. We will be back at it soon. If anyone is interested in doing one for themselves there’s one just appear on E-bay. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/266818546771?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=jMA0vvYLRLS&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=FTZwGEcdTDe&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  8. The latest addition to the fleet for this year’s club comps, my take on a Hurricane. All from 6mm depron, 3 9g servos and budget motor and esc.
  9. until
    Gates open 9:00am with a pilots briefing 9:45am and then the fun starts at 10:00am. Free entry and car parking, but we hope to get you to buy some raffle tickets. BBQ and drinks also available. BMFA proof of Insurance required, location and contact details at bmac.bmfa.club/events or @basingstokemac on Facebook.
  10. How spooky is this ? Just turned the calendar over. Martin did I see you’ve just the motor to throw in Neils, for sale aswell. Neil if someone wants this what part of the country are you in, and do you have this up for sale anywhere else.
  11. Looks like it’s got good bones for a restoration project Neil. A touch of delaminating veneer, but we got a repair scheme to fix that, and we’ve seen a lot worse. 🤣
  12. Your right Robin the first one was with Plane Olde Bargain, that had a built up wing still 3ch then this other kit pop up. This built one looks quite tidy even if the wing is along way forwards.
  13. Scratch building is an endangered pastime all over, but sounds like you’ve a few more challenges. I was wondering if you’ve come across this forum by Nick aka Mr Smoothie on RC Groups. His was built to the same plans as my own and he decided not to go the contra route, as he quite rightly points out; the motor assembly then becomes a project in its own right. Nicks finished model looks fantastic and between all us MB fans there is an amazing amount of information here, enjoy 😀 https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?4163253-Martin-Baker-MB5-1-7-6-scale-Dan-Parsons
  14. Someone pick up a bargain yesterday on eBay. NIB SKYMAN 55” 3ch with a roll of film to go with it. The roll of film probably worth 1/4 of the price alone 😀 Thats the second Skyman in as many months to pop up. I was tempted but resisted the temptation to add this to my stock of kits, and if they had been the 4ch versions, I may have had a bid. I wonder if we’ll see either of them crop up on here, I hope so.
  15. As it's been some time since I last updated here, I thought I better pull me finger out. First up, the Raider is still waiting to be covered, over projects have taken over for now, but we will soon be back at it. As for the Magister, that is all done and had a few flights last year and is currently in storage until the nice weather returns. I realise that I've not posted any finished pictures here, so I'll put that right, with some before and after shots.
  16. I'm pleased that I have my sim up and running on the new PC, one less thing I need the old one for. So to round up, and install successfully on a new Windows 11 PC; Download a copy of the installation V5.5 DVD from RCThoughts.com. Then install the directX that is on the installation DVD Map: Phoenix DVD V5.5\files\#INSTALL\utilities\DirectX\DXSETUP.exe and run it as administrator. Following that, install the sim as normal and add the updates as required.
  17. Went back to my original Phoenix Rc PC-DVD and installed a copy from there with Direct X selected, but the Direct X part failed. So downloaded a new copy of the V5.5 DVD from RC Thoughts.com and did as you suggested. The good news is I have a working copy now, but it's V2.5 I was hoping that the other copy of V6.0i would now run, but no, that's just too easy. So I assume my next step is, uninstall the sim and start again. I'm making the assumption that as V2.5 runs that Direct X has installed satisfactorily and by uninstalling and re-installing the sim it won't affect Direct
  18. Good luck with her Chris, she should look excellent when finished. Of course you will need to get used to people asking if it’s a Mustang ! Re the issue of pushers props, I use the Ramoser varioProps from Germany for all my contra motors. They do a good range of tractor & pusher props that are ground set for pitch. This makes them very flexible to suit your motor. Now the important question; how many watt’s, cells, span and whats the AUW going to be? Good luck, and keep posting the pictures 👍
  19. Just given that a try, thanks Denis, but no joy. It's going to be something stupid and so simple, I just know it!
  20. Recently upgraded to a new ASUS i7 pc with Windows 11, and GeForce RTX3070 graphics card. I'm now trying to install Phoenix RC on it, but it will not launch. I've installed the latest Direct X, updated the graphics card drivers, tried with and without compatibility settings, and installed and uninstalled the Sim more times than I care to mention. Have trolled through all the forums but cannot find an answer. What am I missing? P.S. My old machine is Windows 10 and Phoenix is all good. I don't recall having any big issues when I installed it on this machine, but it was a long time ago. Don't really want to hold on to the old PC just for this one Sim, but if needs must😆.
  21. Hi Jonathan, welcome back to the hobby. The simple answer to your questions is yes, just as you do with any other engine turning a propeller.
  22. Hi Richard, I don’t know if this will help you but I had a similar situation with an old set of foam wings last year. I detailed how I fixed them here.
  23. RE the pop-up, has anyone found a way to stop the pop-up! Every time I go to a new thread there it is! I’ve tried it all and saving my options etc…. Don’t have this with RC Groups
  24. Hi Chaps, can I add my little project. It's intended as a follow-on club project after the spitty contest last year. The idea is to use the same kit we used for the spitty i.e. the value electronics kit. Of course there will be difference, for starter there are 4 SG90 servos, the motor I'm recommending is the 2212-1000kv instead of the 1400kv motor. Of course, being a glider, it needs a folding prop and a speed controller with break function, which unfortunately will add a little to the cost of parts. Once we have a good few of these built, the intention is to do a comp with timed motor run (20 second ish) and then glide. Longest glide wins, with extra point for spot landing. This is the prototype, It's flow a couple of times so far, and it's flies really well, and now we have an ESC with a break the glide is better than I ever expected. Can't wait to see how see preforms when there is some thermal activity.
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