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Tim Kearsley

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Tim Kearsley last won the day on January 29 2024

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  1. I built the DB Mascot two or three years ago. I think the only mod I made was to put a servo in each wing rather than the one central servo as per the plan. I had many happy flights with it and was very sorry when it met its end in a mid-air collision! The wing was totally unharmed (I still have it) but the fuz was a write-off. I might build another fuselage in due course and put the wing back into service.
  2. Yes, but where "free speech" includes insults and personal attacks then it becomes unacceptable on a public forum. Free speech has to be tempered with a degree of tact and common decency.
  3. Funny how a thread on threads that get locked is heading that way itself.....
  4. I learned Morse back in 1982 when it was a requirement of getting the (then) class A amateur radio licence. I learned initially with the aid of a computer program which would send random five-letter groups at whatever speed you required. I later found listening to real speech (on the amateur bands) more useful. I got myself up to about 14 words/minute (the amateur licence required sending and receiving at 12 wpm) and took the test up at Mablethorpe. I passed, thankfully, and changed callsign from G6TUA to G4WFT, which I've had ever since! I'm ashamed to say that I used Morse on air no more than two or three times and I'd struggle to read it at all now. Seems a waste really, given the effort it took to learn!
  5. I would echo that, I can't fault them. The Prime membership perk of "free" next day delivery is often very useful.
  6. I'd agree with Andrew, David. You've got headroom to draw more than 30A (assuming the ESC is suitably rated of course). Not sure just what size of prop would be needed but get the current draw up to 45A, say, and Wattage up to 1kW+ and you're looking at 75W/lb which might be enough.
  7. Crikey! That was one heck of a clear morning. Beautiful view.
  8. I found the same, but I found the way around it is to click on the left-arrow at the left of the word "Membership'. This takes you to a menu from where you can select "Profile".
  9. I sometimes wonder if people post stuff on here when they've taken something. I just can't follow the point being made - if there is one. 🤔
  10. Far from it David. From the number of replies on this thread it seems to be a rather common affliction. Definitely worse if you focus on it!
  11. Ha ha, good one. My partner's pretty quiet actually, except on the rare occasions when I annoy her...... 😉
  12. Many interesting replies - thanks chaps. It's interesting that quite a few attribute it to exposure to loud sounds in earlier life. That's not the case for me as I've not had hobbies or a job that entailed loud noise. It seems to be that it is worse if you focus on it, which you tend to do when it alarms you a bit. I guess like all things, if it persists you tend to take less notice of it.
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